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I (heart) Data Mining

Amy Balkin

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Data mining is a computer software process that can involve the neutral or benign analyzing of internet data for patterns, however, it can also imply the more sinister activities of surveillance or subject-based information gathering. Amy Balkin’s neon sculpture I (heart) Data Mining , takes on this issue by revealing the acronyms or abbreviations of both technology companies and government bodies that have either profited from data mining, or have used it to political ends. The culprits include Facebook, Investigative Data Warehouse, Apple Computer, The Department of Homeland Security, Narus, Target, and Twitter.

U.S. Treasury Nose

Ilene Segalove

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

For the collage U. S. Treasury Nose Segalove appropriated an image of a governmental-type agent inspecting an object on a table with a magnifying glass. By inserting written comments like “not a straw,” “not a spoon,” “not a razor blade,” the artist equates the inspector with a cocaine user. In this way, with keen, deadpan humor, the artist refers to all the stereotypes and social clichés associated with drug abuse particularly in the 1970s.

Behold These Glorious Times!

Trevor Paglen

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Trevor Paglen’s ongoing research focuses on artificial intelligence and machine vision, i.e. how computers and other forms of technology can “see” and use visual data. Behold These Glorious Times!

The six grandfathers, Paha Sapa, in the year 502 002

Matthew Buckingham

Installation (Installation)

Matthew Buckingham presents a narrative directly connected with a highly symbolic site in the United States, the Mount Rushmore Memorial*. He elaborates a historiographic narrative of this place and switches it into the domain of science fiction by proposing a photograph of the Memorial as it should appear in 500 000 years. The effigies of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt become unrecognizable.

Blood Sugar

Cheryl Donegan

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Fashion is the focus of Blood Sugar , which consists of a video projected onto a vintage vinyl jacket set at torso height on a dressmaker’s dummy. As suggested by the work’s title, Cheryl Donegan uses the body as a metaphor, relating the continuous cycle and recycle of images that characterizes consumer fashion culture to the flow of sugar in our blood. Formally, the work borrows strategies from conceptual art, and specifically video art from the 1960s and 1970s—such as the use of repetition, patterns, found materials, and a DIY, low-tech aesthetic—and combines it with contemporary cultural forms, in this case, the world of fashion.

NSA-Tapped Fiber Optic Cable Landing Site, Mastic Beach, New York, United States

Trevor Paglen

NSA-Tapped Fiber Optic Cable Landing Site, Mastic Beach, New York, United States

The Bedroom

Barbara Bloom

Installation (Installation)

In the 1980’s, while browsing Parisian fleamarkets, Barbara Bloom stumbled into an anonymous watercolor (dating to around 1960) in one of Paris’ fleamarkets, probably a study made by an interior designer for a bedroom. The artist found the image to be typically Parisian. The watercolor, framed under a mat made of cardboard, had color tests on its margin, elements that Bloom discovered when she raised it.

Slow Graffiti

Alex Da Corte

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Slow Graffiti was produced for Da Corte’s exhibition at the Vienna Secession in 2017. The video is a shot-for-shot remake of the film “The Perfect Human” by Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth (1967). The original is narrated in an anthropological manner, or as if listening to a guide at a zoo, but Da Corte’s version is stranger and more philosophical.

The Black Canyon Deep Semantic Image Segments

Trevor Paglen

Photography (Photography)

The Black Canyon Deep Semantic Image Segments by Trevor Paglen merges traditional American landscape photography (sometimes referred as ‘frontier photography’ for sites located in the American West) with artificial intelligence and other technological advances such as computer vision. In order to take this photograph, Paglen traveled to the Black Canyon, south of the Hoover Dam. Only accessible by water, Paglen piloted a boat up the Colorado river into the canyon.

Sound of Ice Melting

Paul Kos

Installation (Installation)

Sound of Ice Melting is based on the ancient Zen Buddhist koan about the sound of one hand clapping. Here, Kos has surrounded two twenty-five-pound blocks of ice with eight microphones that call to mind the political press conferences prevalent during the Vietnam War era when this piece was created. Zen practice values such absurdity as a way to transcend the limitations of ordinary discourse and rational thought—empirical processes at the root of all political conflicts.

No Title

Félix González-Torres

Photography (Photography)

Behind the simplicity and beauty of this untitled photograph of a brilliantly-colored flowerbed by Félix González-Torres are two remarkable stories of love, loss, and resilience. As with most of his works, the photograph is untitled followed by a parenthesis that provides some context clues. In this case, an inscription on the reverse of the photograph reads: For Laura (Alice B. Toklas + Gertrude Stein Flower Bed in Paris).


Paul Kos

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Parked on the shoulder of a single lane highway running through a desert landscape, Marlene looks over her shoulder from inside the car at a fierce storm looming over a distant horizon. Turning her head toward and away from the scene she says, “When I look for the lightning it never strikes, but when I look away it does.” And indeed, the lightning does seem to strike only when she turns away. Before filming Lightning , Paul Kos had done a fair amount of research on lightning, much of it conducted at the lightning research lab at the University of Colorado.

100 Boots

Eleanor Antin

Photography (Photography)

Comprised of fifty-one photographic postcards, Antin’s 100 Boots is an epic visual narrative in which 100 black rubber boots stand in for a fictional “hero” making a “trip” from California to New York City. Over two-and-a-half years, Antin photographed the boots against different backdrops across the U. S., and then turned the pictures into postcards, which she then mailed to approximately 1,000 people around the world. In conjunction with the boots’ “arrival” in New York City, the postcards were exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art.

Half Dome Hough Transform

Trevor Paglen

Photography (Photography)

Half Dome Hough Transform by Trevor Paglen merges traditional American landscape photography (sometimes referred as ‘frontier photography’ for sites located in the American West) with artificial intelligence and other technological advances such as computer vision. This photograph was taken at Half Dome, a frequently visited granite rock formation in Yosemite National Park, California. For this work, Paglen created a digital file of the 8 x 10 inch photographic negative so that the artificial intelligence program can apply computer vision to evaluate the content of the image.


Paul Kos

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Taking its title from the eponymous mythological creature—famously featured as sea nymphs in Homer’s Odyssey. Sirens exist in literature across many cultures including Ancient Greece and India, described as part bird and part woman, or like a mermaid. They were said to charm men by their song, and, having first lulled them to sleep, tear them to pieces.

Condition Report

Glenn Ligon

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Glenn Ligon’s diptych, Condition Repor t is comprised of two side-by-side prints. Though simple, each contains a nested stack of historical and self-referential quotations. Both black-and-white prints depict a version of Ligon’s 1988 painting, Untitled (I Am A Man) , which declares the words of the parenthetical in blocky black letters.

Blindseye Arranger (Max)

Brian Bress

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Blindseye Arranger (Max) (2013) features a greyscale arrangement of rudimentary shapes layered atop one another like a dense cluster of wood block prints, the juxtaposition of sharp lines and acute angles creating an abstracted field of rectangular and triangulated forms composed as if in a cubist landscape. As the video progresses, however, a disembodied hand begins to move these forms, animating a pictorial frame that was previously still. The hand – ostensibly the “arranger” of the works title – functions as a metonym of the artist’s hand, quite literally bringing a motionless work to life.


Trisha Donnelly

Photography (Photography)

Untitled is a black-and-white photograph of a wave just before it breaks as seen from the distance of an overlook. Donnelly’s interest in the waveform–visually, aurally, and perceptually–is made manifest in works across multiple media, including photography, drawing, video, sculpture, and performance.

Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), etc.: Arm (with Bottle)

John Baldessari

Photography (Photography)

Arms & Legs (Specif. Elbows & Knees), etc. : Arm (with Bottle) belongs to Baldessari’s most recent series of paintings in which the artist brings together photographic, painted, and three-dimensional elements, to juxtapose unlikely body fragments such as noses and ears, elbows and knees, or eyebrows and foreheads.

Person with Pillow: Desire, Lust, Fate

John Baldessari

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

The voids in Baldessari’s painted photographs are simultaneously positive and negative spaces, both additive and subtractive. In Person with Pillow: Desire, Lust, Fate , a woman’s facial expression is obscured by such void, leaving only her posture to suggest her emotional state. The two images stacked above the woman can be read as comic-style thought bubbles, intimating that she has lust, desire, and fate on her mind.

20 Surrogates

Allan McCollum

Sculpture (Sculpture)

In the work titled The Glossies (1980), an affinity for photography manifested itself before McCollum actually began to use photography as a medium. The Glossies are drawings, rectangular forms applied with blank ink and watercolors, which fill up the sheets parallel to the edges except for a small margin. Finally, the whole paper is covered with an adhesive plastic laminate, which gives it the shiny surface of a photograph.

One Must

John Baldessari

In One Must , an image of a pair of scissors, accompanied by the words of work’s title, poses an ominous question about the relationship between the image and the text. The otherwise banal scissors become suggestively violent in relation to the text, which was originally the title of a print in Francisco de Goya’s Disasters of War series. However, Baldessari is less interested in the logical relationships between text and image than he is with the conceptual leaps that the viewer makes with the limited information provided.

Untitled (City Limits)

Allen Ruppersberg

Photography (Photography)

Untitled (City Limits) is a series of five black-and-white photographs of road signs, specifically the signs demarcating city limits of several small towns in California. Taken outside Palmdale, Littlerock, Pearlblossom, Victorville, and Barstow, towns where the population does not exceed 20,000, Ruppersberg’s trip follows the outskirts of Los Angeles. As with many of his other photographic series, the artist here inserted into each view a constant element that disturbs the otherwise quiet scenes: a hand holding an open magazine.

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen’s work combines the knowledge-base of artist, geographer and activist...

Paul Kos

John Baldessari

Barbara Bloom

Collector Barbara Bloom mixes autobiographical details, fictional narratives, and literary quotes...

Ilene Segalove

In line with the work of well-established West Coast conceptualists like John Baldessari, Ilene Segalove has been producing works in video, sculpture, photography, and mixed media for the past twenty-five years...

Amy Balkin

Based in San Francisco, Amy Balkin’s various long-term projects respond to society’s relationship to the land, the atmosphere, the ocean and other natural resources, and how these resources have been used and valued...

Eleanor Antin

Trisha Donnelly

Allen Ruppersberg

Alex Da Corte

Alex Da Corte’s works conveys a state of delusion, where logic is set aside in order to access the stranger, deeper parts of our minds...

Matthew Buckingham

Brian Bress

Cheryl Donegan

Cheryl Doneg an is best known for her performance and video work s that deal primarily with id eas of sex, gender , and the ways in which the female body is represented both in art and more broadly across popular culture...

Glenn Ligon

Allan McCollum