The series “The Golden lines” was started in 1996 and consists of photographs with “spiritual-transport” lines. While they resemble subway maps or star clusters, the lines mostly refer to ancient Chinese diagrams of Dao and inner alchemy. Both of the images are of undisclosed actions performed by Collective Actions on the field in Kyevy Gorky.
Board has a deadpan quality worthy of Buster Keaton. With this work, Wood and Harrison create an intimate, formally structured mise-en-scène in which they use their own bodies in interaction with a wooden board. The artists elaborate an orchestration of the comic consequences of inertia, gravity, and the law of falling bodies in this low-tech physics experiment.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Aktionsplan is a map of the field by Kyevy Gorky. Here Monastyrsky locates many of the iconic actions that occurred between 1977 and 1999. In this drawing, the static positions of the audience are marked with circles while the audience that re-locates is marked with hexagons as an arrow delineates their trajectory.
Artist, poet, writer and theoretician...
John Wood and Paul Harrison have been working collaboratively since 1993 producing single screen and installation based video works.Their work investigates the relationship between the human figure and architecture, developed through short form video with particular emphasis on actions being formulated and resolved within a given duration...
Drawing & Print
Aktionsplan is a map of the field by Kyevy Gorky...
The series “The Golden lines” was started in 1996 and consists of photographs with “spiritual-transport” lines...