In the work We only move wehen something changes !! !, Olaf Breuning composes a portrait of posed antiglobalization protesters, each wearing clown noses, inside of a scene reminiscent of an event. Like in the work Easter Bunnies (2004) (photographs of the Moai of Easter Island with big ears and rabbit teeth supported by scaffolding) the artist introduces the outside frame into his photographic frame.
Of Action 26:15 leonardogillesfleur notes: “There is almost an ice-cream store in every corner of Buenos Aires. The family [in the video] is having an ice-cream in the hot summer afternoon. Small tics appear on people’s faces from a fly or the attempt to hold still while the ice-cream top melts or drops off its sugar-cone.”
The artistic entity “leonardogillesfleur” is the alliance between two artists, Leonardo Giacomuzzo (b...
Olaf Breuning’s photographs, videos, performances and installations play with codes of mass production with references to publicity, fashion and cinema and “high” and “low” art...