In Dark Beyond Deep by Zhu Changquan the film presents the process of how consciousness gradually develops and extends from the real world to virtual space through a raven named Cyma. Cyma redefined things in the “digital garden” in the film by comparing them with the logic in reality. It opened a new passage for mutual reflection between objects in real life and the existence of digital objects in digital space.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Gozo Yoshimasu’s visual-poetry series Dear Monster (Kaibutsu-kun) explores his response to the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. He embarked on the project out of a deep sense of sympathy and commitment, in pursuit of “poetry possible after March 2011”, without exactly knowing where he was heading. He started scribing lines and letters on exceptionally large manuscript paper that he handcrafted every day.
Advanced Technology (Advanced Technology)
Mutant Garden Autobreeder by Harm van den Dorpel is a generative animated artwork based on evolutionary programming that never appears the same twice. The work is based on an existing algorithm called Cartesian Genetic Programming, invented by Julian F. Miller and Peter Thomson in 1997, the system itself having been finely tuned by van den Dorpel to produce a very particular quality of qualia. The software has been carefully constructed to produce a stream of new and unpredictable mutations that build and react to each previous generation of image.
Welling employs simple materials like crumpled aluminum foil, wrinkled fabric and pastry dough and directly exposes them as photograms, playing with the image in the process of revealing it. Although Welling’s approach to photography is more conceptually oriented than poetic, the resulting image in Stowe (a direct photogram of a crumpled piece of cloth) somehow resembles a curtain, perhaps suggesting that an artificial even fictive component in photographic representation. While the curtain might echo other imagery, Welling’s approach is not allegorical but rather abstract in a way that reinforces the materiality of the object.
Gozo Yoshimasu is a prolific Japanese poet, photographer, artist and filmmaker active since the 1960s...
Zhu Changquan engages in artistic activities through analyzing everyday life...
Harm van den Dorpel’s practice focuses on emergent systems and the role technology plays in their development and meaning...
Could the arts be good for your health? Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Art and health news Could the arts be good for your health? A major scientific research project led by the World Health Organisation and Jameel Arts & Health Lab aims to find out James Imam 12 December 2023 Share The Artist Hannah Brown working on her work Atrium at the Hellingly Centre Mental Health Unit Photo: Damian Griffiths....
Tschabalala Self’s portrait of Nicki Minaj covers Vogue’s December 2023 issue...
Chiho Aoshima, a prominent Japanese artist, burst onto the international art stage in the early 2000s, showcasing a distinctive fusion of traditional Japanese artistic techniques and contemporary themes...
BOMB Magazine | Molly McGhee Necessary (Required) Cookies that the site cannot function properly without...
As the art world becomes increasingly aware of its contributions to the climate emergency, collectors can play a central role in a push for substantial change....
Redressing a shared silhouette: project SALOME at SIFA 2022 | ArtsEquator Skip to content What is project SALOME ? Who is Seah Loh Mei? Singapore theatre director Ong Keng Sen puts his own spin on the fantastical figure of Salome in this multidisciplinary multi-pronged performance which incorporates documentary film, live performance and even a pre-event social media component....
In Amy Brener's "Omni-Kit" sculpture series, everyday objects and imagery are reprocessed into totem-like sculptures that speak to ritual and memory...
Seen in New York, January 2019 | Painters' Table Skip to main content Seen in New York, January 2019 Submitted by Paul Corio on January 21, 2019...
Welling employs simple materials like crumpled aluminum foil, wrinkled fabric and pastry dough and directly exposes them as photograms, playing with the image in the process of revealing it...
Drawing & Print
Gozo Yoshimasu’s visual-poetry series Dear Monster (Kaibutsu-kun) explores his response to the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami...
In Dark Beyond Deep by Zhu Changquan the film presents the process of how consciousness gradually develops and extends from the real world to virtual space through a raven named Cyma...
Advanced Technology
Mutant Garden Autobreeder by Harm van den Dorpel is a generative animated artwork based on evolutionary programming that never appears the same twice...