Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This selection of poster prints of Wong Ping’s animations includes the films Jungle of Desire, Doggy Love, Slow Sex, An Emo Nose, and Stop Peeping . They serve as a glimpse into the discourse and intricacy of the artist’s imagined, yet responsive approach to his realities. The series of posters echoes the once-vibrant aura of movie posters, when they were designed by artists and designers to encapsulate the tone, story, and visual style of a film in one large image, and were often as iconic as the movie itself.
Obscenity and profound issues of contemporary society are not mutually exclusive in Wong Ping’s video works...
Les Formes du Temps — Topographie de l’art — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Les Formes du Temps — Topographie de l’art — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Les Formes du Temps Exhibition Installation, painting, photography, sculpture.....
Les Formes du Temps — Topographie de l’art — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Les Formes du Temps — Topographie de l’art — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Les Formes du Temps Exposition Installations, peinture, photographie, sculpture.....
After one season at the helm, the question remains: Can one of the country’s biggest contemporary-art collectors bring culture—and a pennant—to the Mets? Wait till next year… Plus, Jim Jarmusch and more in this week’s column....
In this second half of the episode, we begin with a presentation by artist Brad Troemel on distributed networks, including a variety of strategies that incorporate blockchain technologies and theories with art making and selling...
On this special episode of Hidden Noise, we are presenting you with recordings from Digital de Suite, a symposium on blockchain and the arts held during Frieze New York in May 2018...