In collaboration with psychoanalyst and cultural theorist Leon Tan, Receding Triangular Square explores traditional Chinese and Taiwanese modalities of psychological healing as alternatives to dominant Western psychiatric and therapeutic practices. By juxtaposing the differing modalities, Hallberg and Tan make connections between psychological practices and histories of colonization and de-colonization. They challenge Western scientific standards of universality, rationality, and truth.
Untitled (Man with Bees) is part of Curran Hatleberg’s attempt to make sense of the current state of the “American Dream”, or lack thereof. “Without question our present American experience feels increasingly strange, unnerving and dreamlike. Our country is utterly different and changed now in its present iteration – surreal and confounding – and we can’t help but regard it with a confounded stare that we hold in reserve for the most bizarre and difficult circumstances.” This image is one, like many in the series that find something poetic, supernatural, and surreal in the common human condition of middle America.
Curran Hatleberg spends extended amounts of time with his subjects, usually months, building a rapport, building trust, until finally making images with them...
Virlani Hallberg is a video and photographic artist living and working in Berlin...