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artist: Stephen G. Rhodes



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Excerpt (Sealed) (Brown)

Stephen G. Rhodes

Photography (Photography)

For his series of digital collages Excerpt (Sealed)… Rhodes appropriated multiple images from mass media and then sprayed an X on top of their glass and frame. This visual seal refers to the disastrous aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in which rescue workers spray painted the doors of the houses they searched giving the date, the team and the number of bodies found. Excerpt (Sealed) (Brown) is a multilayered collage with contradictory imagery—from New Orleans debris to the American eagle and a theater curtain.

Beau Soleil #7

Stephen Beal

Painting (Painting)

Beau Soleil #7 ’s title (translated as Beautiful Sun) gives a good sense of its effect. By virtue of a grid of dots, slightly different in size and placement, a subtle shimmering is created. In readily showing its effect as an image of light, the work exists between abstraction and representation—and perhaps points to the folly of such a distinction—rows and columns of spots become the dawn breaking through thick morning air.

Moving Clocks Change Rhythm

Renee Rhodes

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The artist writes about her work: “There is an endless desire to know what we look like from outer space and many of us have evolved into a species that exists across the disorienting spaces and timeframes of virtuality. Within my current work, dance and simple movement scores act as a language for simultaneously collecting, mapping and producing volumes of information and knowledge. Moving makes a map and performing is observation.

Immolation I

David G. Tretiakoff

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Immolation I is taken from the four-part Immolation series which shows four Arab revolutionaries who publicly sacrificed themselves through self-immolation and in so doing heralded the beginning of the Arab Spring. The lugubrious drawings are made with cigarette burns, a direct reference to torture and burning stakes, even if what is depicted here can be considered the ultimate act of resistance in the form of self-destruction. The portraits were meticulously executed on large-scale fragile sheets of paper.

L’herbier (petit Trianon)

Stéphane Calais

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

L’herbier (petit Trianon) consists of four “realistic” drawings of plants, screenprinted on transparent PVC. Relying on drawing as a study, this work resembles many sketchbook drawings of the artist, but also alludes to the series titled “Magnolia”. “The subject is a kind of cultural minimum (the plant) and the herbarium tends to this minimum,” Calais suggests.

Stephen Beal

Stephen Beal is a painter and the current president of California College of the Arts...

Renee Rhodes

Renée Rhodes grew up amidst the fantasy and rigor that is the world of classical ballet...

David G. Tretiakoff

The work of French filmmaker David Gheron Tretiakoff often revolves around the socio-political movements of the Middle East...

Stephen G. Rhodes