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artist: Seba Calfuqueo

Alka domo

Seba Calfuqueo

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Alka domo by Seba Calfuqueo is a performative video work that recontextualizes a story about Caupolicán, the Mapuche toki (meaning symbol of strength and perseverance in the face of adversity). Caupolicán was elected military leader by the Mapuche people of Chile after successfully completing the challenge of holding a log on his shoulders for two days. Caupolicán led the Mapuche army in the first uprising against the Spanish conquistadors from 1553 to 1558.

Seba Calfuqueo

Seba Calfuqueo is an artist of Mapuche origin whose work critically reflects on the social, cultural, and political status of the Mapuche people in contemporary Chilean society...