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artist: Peter Robinson



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Defunct Mnemonics

Peter Robinson

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Defunct Mnemonics (2012) plays off woodworking traditions found in indigenous art in order to create a body of formally minimal objects that are both beautiful in their restraint and profoundly moving in their associations with the totemic. Resembling large pick-up-sticks, the complete work is comprised of 126 vertical sculptures wrapped in fabric with alternately monochromatic and graphically patterned dyes and prints. Leaning against a wall and arranged side-by-side, they could be mistaken as highly decorated mallets for use in an undetermined ritual or game.

Susan Sontag

Peter Hujar

Photography (Photography)

Susan Sontag, the author of On Photography and Regarding the Pain of Others, was captured through Hujar’s now-iconic photograph in a relaxed yet pensive pose. A friend and supporter of his work as well as his subject, Sontag wrote the introduction for Hujar’s only book published during his lifetime: Portraits in Life and Death.

Pair of shoes / Shoes with eggs

Hans-Peter Feldmann

Installation (Installation)

The types of objects Feldmann is interested in collecting into serial photographic grids or artist’s books are often also found in three dimensional installations. Verging on a form of fetichism, his shoe collections are a case in point and indeed, for some exhibitions, he even asked gallery employees for their shoes. Against authorship and the commodification of art, he never gives titles or dates to his works which have infinite edition possibilities.

Teapot with shadow

Hans-Peter Feldmann

Installation (Installation)

The types of objects Feldmann is interested in collecting into serial photographic grids or artist’s books are often also found in three dimensional installations. Against authorship and the commodification of art, he never gives titles or dates to his works which have infinite edition possibilities. This mise en scène of found kitchenware also exists with a rounder and flatter plain modern white porcelain teapot.

Hat with photograph

Hans-Peter Feldmann

Installation (Installation)

The types of objects Feldmann is interested in collecting into serial photographic grids or artist’s books are often also found in three dimensional installations. Hats and photographs are regularly part of his appropriations and arrangements. He famously made numerous trips to England in search of old photographs when he was an antique dealer, and then worked in a gift store with his wife when he left the art world in the 1980s.

New Kurdish Flag

Peter Friedl

Installation (Installation)

Peter Friedl’s projects place aesthetic questions within an expanded field that takes into account the social, political and philosophical context. This textile piece quotes and diverts a flag with a red background and the central star of the Kurdistan National Liberation Front (ERNK, a military organization linked to PKK, founded in 1985 and disbanded in 2000), and not the national flag of Kurdistan. The artist became interested as from 1994, when the town of Lice was destroyed by the Turkish army and the PKK was expelled from Germany.

Map, 1969-2005

Peter Friedl

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Map 1969-2005, a poster glued on the wall, questions space in its relation to geography. On a red background, a free-hand drawing in white refers to the aesthetics of maps. Map 1969-2005 is not an accurate map of the United States, but one that combines mapping, overlaps and merges diverse elements: Oregon, Lake Superior, San Francisco, Cheyenne, Missouri, Zuni, Navajo, Texas, Shawee, Colorado, Piegan, Canada, Miami, etc.

Hans-Peter Feldmann

Peter Friedl

Many of the projects of Peter Friedl, in their heterogeneous medium and style, function as intersection points between countless lines of thought and reference, creating a vast didactic network where dialogues simultaneously merge with critical logic and narrative...

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson is an artist whose work explores the various cross-sections between materiality, identity, and the indigenous...

Peter Hujar

Before American photographer Peter Hujar passed away from AIDS in 1987, he was a part of a group of New York-based artists, writers, and musicians who defined the downtown scene in the 1970s...