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artist: Margo Wolowiec



Imagine How Many

Margo Wolowiec

Textile (Textile)

Imagine How Many by Margo Wolowiec is a woven polyester depiction of blurred text and floral images found on social media, distorted beyond complete recognition. It resembles a newspaper with a conspicuous “fold” down the middle, but its contents are undoubtedly drawn from Wolowiec’s practice of image aggregation and do not follow the clear formatting newspapers normally possess. Instead, Wolowiec has created an alternative publication of sorts, drawing in a third, comparative source of “networked” imagery and information, inserting the concept of publication and social media into her greater examination of the structures governing dissemination.

Not This Time

Margo Wolowiec

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Wolowiec’s textile work Not This Time (2015) translates pixelated images into sensuous fabric and ink based forms that are at once beautiful in their abstraction and anxiety-ridden in their visualization of a malfunctioning digital world. In order to produce this work, Wolowiec selects a grouping of digital images from web-based sources that have a glitch, an aberration in which a short-lived technical fault results in distortions in an image’s display. Through a dye sublimination ink process, the images are printed onto strands of thread pixel by pixel, which the artist then weaves into a final work.

Margo Wolowiec

Margo Wolowiec uses her multidisciplinary practice to examine space, material versus conceptual practices, and affective responses...