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artist: Luciano Figueiredo

Artist Name


Luciano Figueiredo

Painting (Painting)

Figueiredo’s succinct forms are rendered in bright hues of yellow, red, green, and blue, with white and black defining positive and negative spaces within the overall geometry. His Revelos are part painting, part relief, and part sculpture—they separate from the wall, creating spatial complexities within their bounds, and imply movement through the simplicity of their shapes. Though based on the shape of a simple square, each Revelo animates beyond that limitation, the folded and layered canvas sheets, the cuts and slices of contrasting paints creating movement from stasis.


Lucia Madriz

Painting (Painting)

In her geometric paintings on wood panel, Madriz employs the Fibonacci numbers to illustrate, in simplified form, the pattern of natural plant growth—beginning from a single stem, and growing exponentially, rationally, and efficiently outward from there. Tinting the underlying wood but not covering it, Madriz’s delicate cubes seem to hover on the surface of the warm wood surfaces, drawing more attention to the grain and its own natural pattern. Always drawing the attention back to the natural world, Madriz’s multimedia works aim to reassert the natural, and our own links to it.

Lucia Madriz

Born in Costa Rica and living in Germany, artist Lucía Madriz has a global perspective...

Luciano Figueiredo

Brazilian artist Luciano Figueiredo works with color, form, volume, and light in his exquisite wall-bound compositions...