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artist: Lucas Nazario



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Artist Traits

Tree on Keystone

Lucas Blalock

Photography (Photography)

Compositions such as Tree on Keystone (2011) become hyperreal versions of their real-world equivalents. Blalock resists the immediacy that we have come to expect from photography—that each photograph should communicate its message without delay.

three, three, three

Lucas Blalock

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Blalock resists the immediacy that we have come to expect from photography—that each photograph should communicate its message without delay. Within the dark obscurity of three, three, three (2013), he frustrates and complicates this conditioned response to the photographic medium, questioning the photograph’s purpose.

quadroquadro (círculo)

Renata Lucas

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Lucas’s quadroquadro (círculo) employs familiar materials for the artist: wood, paper, and glass. A simple composition—a black circle inscribed on white paper, encased in a rectangular frame—is interrupted in Lucas’s work, the continuous geometry of the nested forms segmented into four broken shards. Pieced back together, these fragments comprise a whole, but it is a unity shattered, unsteadied.

Sheet 5 (Stamped series)

John Lucas and Claudia Rankine

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Historically, blondeness has been a signifier for desirability and beauty, speaking to “purity” — the purity of whiteness — like no other bodily attribute except, perhaps, blue eyes. In the twenty-first century, blondeness is the look desired by American presidents, pop stars, rappers, television announcers, Hollywood celebrities, the boy next door, and some Asian Americans, African Americans, white Americans, Arab Americans, and LatinX Americans. The desirability of blonde hair has no genre boundaries, no pronoun limitation, and no class limit.

Lucas Blalock

John Lucas and Claudia Rankine

John Lucas and Claudia Rankine are interdisciplinary thinkers and makers committed to exploring the nuances of race and power in our daily lives...

Renata Lucas

Brazilian artist Renata Lucas is interested in the social, behavioral, and aesthetic implications of special constructions...