The film The Anatomy Classroom is part of a research project developed by Hikaru Fujii around objects and artifacts evacuated from the Futaba Town Museum of History and Folklore, which is located in the “difficult-to-return zone” since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. In order to avoid radioactive contamination and biological damage, the objects have been removed from the museum, where they were once part of a collection that the curator had developed over twenty years to represent the local community and its long history on the land. Fujii has been closely following the movements of these historical objects, while organizing visits to the site and hosting discursive events on the crisis of memory and culture.
Les nucléaires et les choses by Hikaru Fujii is the first video produced in the artist’s long-term project focusing on the Futaba Town Museum of History and Folklore, located in the “difficult-to-return zone” since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in 2011. Over four years, Fujii filmed the rescue and displacement of this museum’s collection of archeological, historical, or cultural artifacts outside the zone, in order to avoid radioactive contamination and biological damage. He followed the actions, gestures, and reflections of the Futaba Museum curator Takamitsu Yoshino and his collaborators, charged with the preservation of these objects and the knowledge they contain about the territory they come from and the life of its community, struck by the disaster.
COVID-19 May 2020 by Hikaru Fujii was filmed during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this work Fujii filmed the group exhibition Things Entangling, the final phase of a collaboration between KADIST and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo. At the time that the first Covid-19 lockdowns were instated in Japan, the exhibition was fully installed, but it was not accessible to the public for an indeterminate duration.
Hikaru Fujii utilizes film to bridge art and social activism...
Les nucléaires et les choses by Hikaru Fujii is the first video produced in the artist’s long-term project focusing on the Futaba Town Museum of History and Folklore, located in the “difficult-to-return zone” since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in 2011...
The film The Anatomy Classroom is part of a research project developed by Hikaru Fujii around objects and artifacts evacuated from the Futaba Town Museum of History and Folklore, which is located in the “difficult-to-return zone” since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident...
COVID-19 May 2020 by Hikaru Fujii was filmed during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic...