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artist: Goldin Senneby


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Headless (Fiction on auction)


Performance (Performance)

In Fiction on Auction , the site of the auction is used to stage a fiction where the right to appear as character in Looking for Headless is offered to the highest bidder: the name of the successful biddder as registered for the auction will form the name or identity of the character appearing in the novel. Looking for Headless is written by the fictitious author K. D and tells the story of two artists Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby who collaborate with an author, John Barlow. Goldin and Senneby investigate an offshore company on the Bahamas called Headless Ltd whilst Barlow writes a docu-fictional murder-mystery, also called Headless, based on these investigations.

The Decapitation of Money


Installation (Installation)

In this installation, you are standing at the heart of a bicephalous space reflecting Goldin+Senneby’s main research led during their residency in Paris. Here, two historical events from the late 1930’s and early 50’s are confronted. In one of these spaces, you find yourself reading a map of the Marly forest where Georges Bataille’s secret society, « Acéphale », was meeting around 1937 and notably celebrating Louis XVI’s regicide.

Nan Goldin


Since 2004, the artists Goldin+Senneby, comprised of Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby, have been working on an ongoing performative and rhizomatic project...