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artist: Gao Mingyan

Come on

Gao Mingyan

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The television monitors utilized in the video installation Come On (2008) ostensibly serve as playback devices for a multi-channel installation of clips from blockbuster films as part of a larger commentary of mass entertainment and its relation to consumer cultures. Arranged in a grid, however, the monitors begin to resemble closed circuit security systems, evoking associations of surveillance and policing. More than just casual documents of the every day, Gao’s video works carry a subversively political charge and force viewers to reconsider their own relationship to media and perception.

City Golf

Gao Mingyan

Film & Video (Film & Video)

In City Golf (2008) the artist Gao Mingyan films himself playing 18 “holes” of golf throughout the mega-city of Shanghai. For each hole, Gao traveled to significant places from his memory – his first school, his childhood playground, and his former date hangouts – and proceeded to play a makeshift round of golf at each location. In revisiting locales from his youth, Gao attempts to forge a linear connection between all the important places that comprise a life’s experience, his performative “passing” through each location poetically referencing his own passage through time.

Gao Mingyan

Gao Mingyan produces video based-works that examine the political and epistemological violence of our contemporary moment...