Dad is Byron is an audio work produced in collaboration between Diamond Stingily and her father, the house musician Byron Stingily. Viewers are invited to pick up a wall-mounted telephone that has been retrofitted to play a recording of a conversation between Stingily and her father. Although initially the artist planned to focus on her father’s recollections of the violence during his childhood in Chicago in the 1960s and how music helped him cope, the conversation has a natural and intimate meandering.
Many of Chaves and Gilda’s works use recycled cardboard. For Partituras, they arranged stacks of cardboard into long rectangles on the ground, which are visually analogous to fields of graphite in Chaves’s pencil drawings. While the blocks have a spare presence in space, they exist more full solidity within their borders, and the recycled nature of the cardboard adds some play into the clean minimalist rectangles and cubes.
Diamond Stingily works in a wide variety of media, from spoken word, video and audio to sculpture and installation...
The collaborative works of Raimond Chaves and Mantilla Gilda often derive from a direct engagement with the world...
Dad is Byron is an audio work produced in collaboration between Diamond Stingily and her father, the house musician Byron Stingily...