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artist: Citra Sasmita

Timur Merah Project II; The Harbor of Restless Spirit

Citra Sasmita

Painting (Painting)

The work Timur Merah Project 2, the harbour of restless spirit is stretched out on a full cow’s hide, replicates the Kamasan Balinese painterly language that Citra Sasmita has developed in her recent works. It represents female figures, flames, and various natural elements, permutating whimsically in a narrative of pansexual energy. While rooted in mythological thinking, with specifically Hindu and Balinese references, the scenes are equally part of a contemporary process of imagining a secular and empowered mythology for a post-patriarchal future.

Citra Sasmita

Artist Citra Sasmita’s work is inscribed with originality in a pan-Asian effort to revisit traditional artistic languages as tools of expression in contemporary society...