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artist: Anne Imhof

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Drawing for SOTSB II

Anne Imhof

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

“School of the seven Bells (SOTSB)” is based on a series of hands games in which an object is passed from hand to hand. The performance is a reference to the film by Robert Bresson, “Pickpocket”, where a group of pickpocketers play with their victims. The artwork, through the actions of the hands, is an interrogation into space and time, questioning the relationship between public and private space, the establishment of communication through the body and visual exchange and gestures between aggression and sensuality.

Untitled (Wave)

Anne Imhof

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Anne Imhof’s video work Untitled (Wave) creates resonances between the feminine, adoration, and immateriality, while also referring to the history of art and aesthetics, in particular the concept of the sublime. Starring Imhof’s partner and collaborator Eliza Douglas, the film depicts a woman, naked from the waist up, dressed simply in tracksuit trousers, long black hair, feet dipped in the ocean water. The woman bears a long whip, while she looks out at the horizon and the waves lick at her bare feet.

Puteri 3 (Ulek Mayang Series)

Anne Samat

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Anne Samat’s Puteri 3 references Ulek Mayang, a classical Malay dance, performed in a ritualistic pre-Islamic context. It is based on the myth of a princess from the sea who steals the soul of a fisherman she falls in love with, leaving his body lifeless. A battle ensues for the soul of the fisherman, between a shaman (bomoh) trying to bring back the spirit into the earthly flesh and the princess aided by five of her sisters.

Anne Samat

An exuberant and precise sculptor, Anne Samat blends the aesthetic of international queer cultures – which she proudly represents as a transgender activist – with various textile and bricolage influences from South East Asia and beyond...

Anne Imhof

about 24 months ago (03/01/2023)

CIRCA collaborates with Anne Imhof to present #YOUTH24 - a 24-hour print fundraiser...