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artist: Allora


Decade Work Created

Land Mark (Foot Prints) #10

Allora & Calzadilla

Photography (Photography)

This series of photographs is part of the body of work Allora & Calzadilla made regarding the situation in Vieques, an island off the mainland of Puerto Rico used for the 60 years by the U. S Military and NATO forces to practice military bombing exercises. In 2000, they began a collaboration with the local activists to make the campaign more visible.

Returning a sound

Allora & Calzadilla

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Vieques is an island off the mainland of Puerto Rico used by the U. S Navy and NATO forces as military testing ground as from the 1940s. Civil disobedience and active protest movements initiated by local inhabitants and an international support network led to the end of the bombings and progressive demilitarization in 2002.

The Nature of Conflict

Allora & Calzadilla

Installation (Installation)

This installation combines the display of real objects with the deceptively painterly amalgamation of their content as the subject of a photograph. Here Allora & Calzadilla condemn the worldwide threat of violence caused by the high desirability of oil and water. Caught in the light, the patterning of the two liquids in the print creates attractive rainbow-like pools, a distanced comment on pollution.

Land Mark (Foot Prints) #12

Allora & Calzadilla

Photography (Photography)

This series of photographs is part of the body of work Allora & Calzadilla made regarding the situation in Vieques, an island off the mainland of Puerto Rico used for the 60 years by the U. S Military and NATO forces to practice military bombing exercises. In 2000, they began a collaboration with the local activists to make the campaign more visible.

Intermission (Halloween Iraq IV)

Allora & Calzadilla

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Intermission (Halloween Iraq IV) is a large print that depicts U. S. soldiers in Iraq celebrating Halloween. They ride donkeys—apparently playing polo—while wearing masks that simultaneously familiarize the soldiers, through the recognition of a common holiday, and distance them, through the obscuring of their faces. Its means of reproduction—a woodblock print—further amplifies the distance between the event and its presentation, as well as the engagement of the artists.

Allora & Calzadilla

Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla comprise the artistic duo Allora & Calzadilla...