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artist: Allen Ruppersberg



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Artist Traits

Untitled (City Limits)

Allen Ruppersberg

Photography (Photography)

Untitled (City Limits) is a series of five black-and-white photographs of road signs, specifically the signs demarcating city limits of several small towns in California. Taken outside Palmdale, Littlerock, Pearlblossom, Victorville, and Barstow, towns where the population does not exceed 20,000, Ruppersberg’s trip follows the outskirts of Los Angeles. As with many of his other photographic series, the artist here inserted into each view a constant element that disturbs the otherwise quiet scenes: a hand holding an open magazine.

California Stories Attempt to correlate social class with elevation above main harbor channel (San Pedro, July 1975)

Allan Sekula

Photography (Photography)

San Pedro is a seaside city, part of the Los Angeles Harbor, sitting on the edge of a channel. California Stories: Attempt to correlate social class with elevation above main harbor channel (San Pedro, July 1975) (1973–2011) is a series of coupled gelatin silver prints that show the artist using his hand to measure the elevation of various pieces of real estate, ranging from a manicured mansion to a ramshackle beach house. A direct equation becomes evident between the social strata these homes represent and the height at which the artist holds his hand.

Rumpty Trumpty

Allan deSouza

Photography (Photography)

For the photographic series Rumpty Trumpty , in 1997, Allan deSouza photographed the Trump Taj Casino in Atlantic City, NJ, reprinting the images again in 2017, from digital scans of the negatives. These negatives bear the traces of extensive damage wrought over time. These dust damaged and scratched prints appear as aged and out of date as the orientalist fantasy that they depict.

20 Surrogates

Allan McCollum

Sculpture (Sculpture)

In the work titled The Glossies (1980), an affinity for photography manifested itself before McCollum actually began to use photography as a medium. The Glossies are drawings, rectangular forms applied with blank ink and watercolors, which fill up the sheets parallel to the edges except for a small margin. Finally, the whole paper is covered with an adhesive plastic laminate, which gives it the shiny surface of a photograph.

Somewhere Along the Black Sea in the Distant North-East, or in Libya in the Furthest South, The Amazons – The Woman and the Girls Children – Exist Just Outside of the Range of Normal Human Experience

Ellen Lesperance

Painting (Painting)

Somewhere Along the Black Sea in the Distant North-East, or in Libya in the Furthest South, The Amazons – The Woman and the Girls Children – Exist Just Outside of the Range of Normal Human Experience

Allan deSouza

Artist Allan deSouza works primarily in photography and multi-media, his practice seeks to develop a decolonial aesthetic, engaging with issues of migration, diaspora and relocation in his work...

Allen Ruppersberg

Allan Sekula

Ellen Lesperance

Ellen Lesperance begins with archival footage of various activist events throughout history...

Allan McCollum