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artist: Abigail DeVille


Artist Name


La Loge Harlem

Abigail DeVille

Sculpture (Sculpture)

The work La Loge Harlem focuses on the history of Harlem and its development over the last 200 years. It was a playground for the rich in the 19th century and where Old New York had its summer homes and diversions. The center image is a portrait of the artist’s grandmother when she was 16 in 1949.

Si Señor

Abigail Reyes

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The video work Si Señor by Abigail Reyes is about the typical representation of women in Latin American office culture. Collaging together a chorus of subservient snapshots of women responding to an off-screen man with “si señor”, the accumulative effect of these spliced together scenes weighs heavy as the film plays on both humour and collective discomfort. In order to complete the work the artist watched hours upon hours of telenovelas, the impact of which on the collective consciousness is explored through her film.

Abigail DeVille

African American artist Abigail DeVille’s large sculptures and installations reflect on social and cultural oppression, racial identity, and discrimination in American history...

Abigail Reyes

Abigail Reyes’s work is deeply ingrained in the feminist discourse of Latin America...