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artist: Abel Rodríguez



Decade Work Created


Artist Name

Terraza Alta V

Abel Rodríguez

Painting (Painting)

Abel Rodríguez’s precise, botanical illustrations are drawn from memory and knowledge acquired by oral traditions. They are the visions of someone who sees the potential of plants as food, material for dwellings and clothing, and for use in sacred rites. Terraza Alta V is part of a series of drawings that track the changing appearance and life of an area identified as Terraza Alta.


Fernando Palma Rodríguez

Installation (Installation)

Aqua by Fernando Palma Rodríguez is an installation formed by four gourds and one movement detector that activates them. Once put in motion, the gourds open and close hinged hands that are cut from their bodies, catalyzing a sophisticated, choreographed conversation among them. Following Indigenous notions of personhood, Palma Rodríguez grants agency to ordinary objects and therefore the ability to relate to others—humans as well as non-humans.

Going Round and Round in a Line ST (12m)

Javier M. Rodríguez

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Javier M. Rodriguez’s Going Round and Round in a Line ST (12m) is a sculptural composition made of the simplest materials—a single tape measure and metal rivets. The rivets lock the tape measure in its contorted shape, bending in angles to create a geometric abstraction. The piece hangs simply from the ceiling, at times rotating around, its shape changing with our point of view.


Enar de Dios Rodríguez

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Ecotone by Enar de Dios Rodríguez is a video work presented in six chapters, each beginning and ending with a one-sided telephone dialog with an informal, friendly and conversational tone, that leads quickly into complex philosophical subjects. The first chapter is an introduction, and the last is an epilogue, and both employ interfaces (a smartphone screen, and an optical illusion, respectively) to invite the viewer to make conceptual connections across the chapters. An “ecotone” is a region of transition between two biological communities.