Head Box by J ean-Luc Moulène i s not the representation of a space but a real space that remains in the domain of sculpture which the artist develops in parallel with his photographic practice. Created for an exhibition in Kitakyushu in Japan, it is painted green, a color that symbolizes life and creation in Japanese culture. Even though we are confronted with a hollow presence, this is above all a space to lodge a body in the vertical posture of the living.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
On a piece of paper, the artist has traced two loops in black crayon and placed two eyes where the lines intersect. Cut out of the same photograph, the eyes belong to the same gaze. The first asset of a slip knot is its simplicity, it basically requires a small length of rope.
It rains, Paris, 1st July 2000 , which could be the refrain of a song, is the title of a photograph of a minimal moment, the vision of a Parisian pedestrian, a cut flower lying on the pavement covered in rain drops. Is this moment captured by chance or a mise en scène? There is a sort of hiatus in the image; the planes – motif and background – connect nature in full bloom, pure, fragile, ephemeral with the grey weighty tarmac.
View From an Apartment features 18-year-old Joland Novaj whose image was taken from Instagram. Staring vacantly at his cereal bowl, his computer is open on his own Instagram account and Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” lies open next to it, illustrated with a XV century illumination. Beyond the room there is a bay, lined with modernist buildings.
Adam is an emblematic work within Jean-Charles de Quillacq’s oeuvre. The artist has created a number of pieces entitled Adam , referring to original man, incarnated in multiple objects at once. Materially, Adam is a fluorescent yellow walking rope with an epoxy coating on one side, rendering the structure rigid, demonstrative of his sculptural practice which is both conceptual and sensual.
En rachâchant is based on the short story Ah! Ernesto! (1971) by Marguerite Duras in which the child Ernesto does not want to go to school anymore as all that he is taught are things he does not know.
Untitled (Breathless) presents a folded newspaper article on Jean-Luc Godard’s À Bout de Souffle (Breathless). The work uses collage techniques—it is stapled down and has a thick strip of contact sheet paper taped over it—that convert the media coverage on Godard’s film into a filmic object itself. The black paper enacts a kind of cinematic “jump cut” on the article, while simultaneously drawing attention to the medium of the film, as well as the photograph reproduced in this newspaper article.
In 1978, Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville made the TV series: “France / tour / detour / two / children”, in which they aimed to identify the lifestyle of French people in 12 episodes of 26 minutes each. On each episode a little boy and girl are firstly asked about their daily lives. By broadening the scope of the interview, the questions of Godard and Mieville gradually bring the protagonists to think of themselves as subjects in the history of the world, to “live and see themselves on television” with a critical point of view.
Landslides is a cinematographic essay/poem by Caroline Déodat in which fictional images are the result of research into the memories of a Mauritian dance born during colonial slavery, the Sega. In the film, the contemporary Mauritian dancer Jean-Renat Anamah crosses mythical landscapes of the Sega that merge with intimate territories. From the pixels of the digital image and the signals of electronic music, this film exhumes in layers of landscapes the spectres of a ritual erased by history through a personal genealogy: between haunting memory and deferred archive.
H.2. N. Y Skeleton of the Dump revolves entirely around the performance “Homage to New York” (1960), of the Swiss artist Jean Tinguely (1925-1991), during which the machine built by the artist in the gardens of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) had to self-destruct itself in 27 minutes, but, in the end, it had to be finished off by firemenbeing called in after it erupted in flames. Since the discovery of Jean tinguely’s retrospective at the Tate Gallery in London, in 1982, Michael Landy spent two years researching and sketching (charcoal, oil, glue, ink) from his previous research carried out at Museum Tinguely in Basel, and at the MOMA in New York.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Soufiane Ababri’s desire to construct a historical family and a genealogy of queer kinships in Bedwork / Yes I AM sees him conjuring up a pantheon of gay writers and artists whose intellect has changed the course of human history and development, despite their outsider status. Figures as disparate as Michel Foucault, Glenn Ligon, Allen Ginsberg, Jean Genet, and André Gide populate Ababri’s drawing series in the artist’s signature naïf style, their homosexuality the thread that connects them. The series of over forty drawings are part of Bedwork, a larger project that Ababri began in 2015.
This photograph seems to be awaiting meaning, it more or less evokes known elements without really identifying with them completely: a motorway interchange, a bridge, an electric pylon… In fact this is the end of the tracks of the Aérotrain, a wheelless monorail invented by Jean Bertin in the 1970s, which acts like ‘a fossil of movement on landscape scale’, as explained by the artist. This fragmentary place is meant to activate physical movement. It also activates the spectator’s imagination.
Off-White Tulips is an intimate, meditative, and tender essay-film composed as a fictional exchange between Black gay writer James Baldwin and the artist, Aykan Safoglu. The work is primarily structured around Magdalena J. Zaborowska’s scholarly reconstitution of Baldwin’s self-imposed exile in Istanbul, Ankara, and Bodrum between 1961 and 1971, as well as autobiographical notes and intimations gathered throughout the years. Safoglu produced Off-White Tulips early on in his career when he was in the process of acquiring permanent residency in Germany.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This series of small drawings is executed with varying materials—pen, ink, colored pencil, charcoal, and masking tape—on architect’s tracing paper. Alÿs often executes such sketches in preparation for his performances, videos, and larger two-dimensional bodies of work. As the first visual representations of his ideas, they capture his thinking processes at the raw conceptual stage and allow us to gain a deeper understanding of his larger works.
The Nightwatch , which is an ironic reference to the celebrated painting by Rembrandt, follows the course of a fox wandering among the celebrated collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London. The path of the fox, from galleries containing 16th, 17th and 18th century portraits of historic figures from British history hung on plush walls, is circuitous and seemingly random. The fox tracks back and forth, sometimes inspecting the gallery furniture, often walking through the middle of the room but sometimes around its perimeter until eventually it climbs on top of a showcase, covered in fabric where he settles down to sleep.
Aykan Safoglu is a Turkish-German artist whose works cultivate relationships among cultural, geographical, linguistic, and temporal boundaries...
Jean Claracq uses his work to deal with issues of loneliness in the social media era, depicting scenes of everyday life featuring isolated individuals against broad infrastructures as an evocation of alienation...
Soufiane Ababri’s practice is, first and foremost, embodied by the artist’s queer subjectivity...
Artist Jean-Charles de Quillacq erects works which have a complicated relationship to remaining upright...
When Forms Come Alive; Beyond Form: Lines of Abstraction 1950-70 review – a restless triumph and a badly lit jumble sale | Sculpture | The Guardian Skip to main content Skip to navigation Skip to navigation ‘You are viscerally aware of being caught in some nameless system’: Pumping (2019) by Eva Fàbregas at the Hayward Gallery...
Aesthetica Magazine - When Forms Come Alive: 5 Must-See Sculptures When Forms Come Alive: 5 Must-See Sculptures Hayward Gallery’s When Forms Come Alive is a lively and playful exhibition that presents different facets of sculptures...
Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative — Système D — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative — Système D — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative Exposition Performance, son - musique À venir Graphisme : clarahoya.ch Mouvement 1 Exposition performative Dans 2 jours : 14 → 23 février 2024 Mouvement 1 est une exposition performative où rien n’est immuable...
Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative — Système D — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative — Système D — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Mouvement 1 — Exposition performative Exhibition Performance, sound - music Upcoming Graphisme : clarahoya.ch Mouvement 1 Exposition performative In 2 days: February 14 → 23, 2024 Mouvement 1 est une exposition performative où rien n’est immuable...
sommaire du n°518 - février 2024 - artpress 22 janvier 2024 In AP Print , artpress , artpress mensuel , sommaires sommaire du n°518 – février 2024 > COMMANDER LE NUMÉRO Vous êtes abonné(e) ? Retrouvez les offres de notre club pour février par ici ! Édito 5 Le paradoxe des Frac The Frac Paradox Étienne Hatt INTRODUCING 6 Vincent Chéry Jeanne Mathas Chroniques / Columns 11 L’art immersif, oui, mais lequel ?...
Gildas Le Reste — & Guests — Catherine Putman Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Gildas Le Reste — & Guests — Catherine Putman Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Gildas Le Reste — & Guests Exhibition Drawing, print, painting Gildas Le Reste, Notes de voyage #1, 2023 Ink on paper mounted on canvas Gildas Le Reste & Guests Ends in 27 days: January 27 → March 9, 2024 Galerie Catherine Putman has pleasure in making a double invitation to Gildas Le Reste as both artist and exhibition curator...
Gildas Le Reste — & Guests — Galerie Catherine Putman — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Gildas Le Reste — & Guests — Galerie Catherine Putman — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Gildas Le Reste — & Guests Exposition Dessin, estampe, peinture Gildas Le Reste, Notes de voyage #1, 2023 Encre sur papier marouflé sur toile Gildas Le Reste & Guests Encore 27 jours : 27 janvier → 9 mars 2024 La galerie Catherine Putman est heureuse de proposer une double invitation à Gildas Le Reste, comme artiste et commissaire d’exposition...
Porter notre part de la nuit — MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Porter notre part de la nuit — MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Porter notre part de la nuit Exposition Techniques mixtes Thu-Van Tran, Novel Without a Title #2, série Novel Without a Title , 2019 Bronze, patine chimique et rehauts colorés — 20 × 167 × 20 cm Collection MAC VAL — Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Acquis avec la participation du FRAM Île-de-France...
Porter notre part de la nuit — MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Porter notre part de la nuit — MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Porter notre part de la nuit Exhibition Mixed media Thu-Van Tran, Novel Without a Title #2, série Novel Without a Title , 2019 Bronze, patine chimique et rehauts colorés — 20 × 167 × 20 cm Collection MAC VAL — Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne — Acquis avec la participation du FRAM Île-de-France...
Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux — Galerie Marcelle Alix — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux — Galerie Marcelle Alix — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux Exposition Techniques mixtes Jean-Charles de Quillacq, Ouverte (Discomfort), 2023 (Détail) Collage et acetone sur poster — 59,7 × 80 cm Courtesy de l’artiste et galerie Marcelle Alix, Paris Jean-Charles de Quillacq Les poulains deviennent des chevaux Encore 27 jours : 11 janvier → 9 mars 2024 « J’étais un morceau d’usine pour l’éternité...
Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux — Marcelle Alix Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux — Marcelle Alix Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Jean-Charles de Quillacq — Les poulains deviennent des chevaux Exhibition Mixed media Jean-Charles de Quillacq, Ouverte (Discomfort), 2023 (Détail) Collage et acetone sur poster — 59,7 × 80 cm Courtesy de l’artiste et galerie Marcelle Alix, Paris Jean-Charles de Quillacq Les poulains deviennent des chevaux Ends in 27 days: January 11 → March 9, 2024 “I was a piece of factory for eternity.” Georges Navel, Travaux [Works], Gallimard, 1995, p.108 How can one rediscover desire when its very mechanics are monopolized by capitalism? Where can our desire still intrude in the plethora of poetic, pornographic, intellectual, psychological, promotional, and political offerings? In the field of ruins of the imaginary, increasingly littered with Instagram images of war victims, portraits of friends who left this world too soon, calls for help from NGOs, and—in their wake—, images of ever more exhibitions we couldn’t see, parties that always look better from afar, clothes that would finally suit our morphology, or the latest accessories needed to help us sleep....
Aesthetica Magazine - Mixed-Media in Focus: 5 Group Exhibitions for 2024 Mixed-Media in Focus: 5 Group Exhibitions for 2024 Textiles...
sommaire du n°517 - janvier 2024 - artpress X 18 décembre 2023 Dans AP Print , artpress , artpress mensuel , sommaires sommaire du n°517 – janvier 2024 > COMMANDER LE NUMÉRO Vous êtes abonné(e) ? Retrouvez les offres de notre club pour janvier par ici ! Édito 5 Lacan, le style Lacan, The Style Catherine Millet INTRODUCING 6 Elina Stoflique Étienne Hatt Chroniques / Columns 11 Des expositions qui donnent à penser Exhibitions That Give Food for Thought Catherine Francblin 15 La vérité en face Facing the Truth Aurélie Cavanna 19 Une épiphanie An Epiphany Colin Lemoine Point de vue / Opinion 22 La Coupole, le vivant et l’épée The Coupole, the Living World and the Sword Annabelle Gugnon DOSSIERS 24 GRANDE INTERVIEW Richard Mosse, au-delà de l’image Richard Mosse, Beyond Images Interview par Aurélie Cavanna 34 LACAN, L’EXPOSITION LACAN, THE EXHIBITION 36 Là quand sexe pose Lacan exposed Annabelle Gugnon 41 Réfléchir ?...
What Sold at Art Basel Miami Beach 2023 | Artsy Skip to Main Content Advertisement Art Market What Sold at Art Basel Miami Beach 2023 Maxwell Rabb Dec 11, 2023 7:45PM Interior view of Art Basel Miami Beach, 2023...
French artist Jean Jullien ( previously ) has teamed up with Case Studyo to create a jolly sculpture titled “La Baleine,” a.k.a...
Architects Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal on the joy of reusing buildings rather than knocking them down | Architecture | The Guardian Skip to main content Skip to navigation Skip to navigation ‘A fascination with spatial effects’: Jean-Philippe Vassal and Anne Lacaton at the Sir John Soane’s Museum in London last month...
Jean Miotte — Galerie Almine Rech — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Jean Miotte — Galerie Almine Rech — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Jean Miotte Exposition Peinture Jean Miotte, Sans titre, 2000 (Détail) Acrylique sur toile — 99,1 × 81,3 × 2,5 cm Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Almine Rech, Paris Jean Miotte Encore 11 jours : 18 novembre → 22 décembre 2023 Jean Miotte (1926-2016), qui a exposé à Paris avec Joan Mitchell, Jean-Paul Riopelle et Sam Francis, est une des figures éminentes de l’abstraction lyrique...
Jean Miotte — Almine Rech Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Jean Miotte — Almine Rech Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Jean Miotte Exhibition Painting Jean Miotte, Sans titre, 2000 (Détail) Acrylic on canvas — 39 × 32 × 1 in Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Almine Rech, Paris Jean Miotte Ends in 11 days: November 18 → December 22, 2023 Jean Miotte is one of the prominent figures of lyrical abstraction within the New School of Paris...
sommaire du n°516 - décembre 2023 - artpress X 22 novembre 2023 Dans AP Print , artpress , artpress mensuel , sommaires sommaire du n°516 – décembre 2023 > COMMANDER LE NUMÉRO Vous êtes abonné(e) ? Retrouvez les offres de notre club pour décembre par ici ! Édito 5 Une angoisse métaphysique effrénée Unbridled Metaphysical Anguish Catherine Millet INTRODUCING 6 Dora Jeridi Anna-Livia Marchaison Chroniques / Columns 11 L’art dans son contexte....
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The museum, proposed by the artist’s widow, would cost $3.3m and is to be situated on scenic island in the St...
Through her support of the movement’s founder, George Maciunas, collector Jean Brown came to be known as the “den mother of Fluxus.”...
/CNW/ - Following its highly anticipated spring live auction in Toronto, Heffel Fine Art Auction House is delighted to share today's exceptional results...
When the Museum of Modern Art closed for renovations on June 15th, it said that its reopening in October would boast a massive rehang of their permanent collect...
Ken Griffin, founder of the hedge fund Citadel, paid upwards of $100 million for Jean-Michel Basquiat’s 1982 canvas Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump...
The U2 bassist describes how his search for a new version of bohemia inspired a passion for the work of Marlene Dumas, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Louise Bourgeois and Robert Mapplethorpe...
At least 16 paintings were stolen from Genevieve Boghici, 82, the widow of art collector Jean Boghici, police in Rio de Janeiro said....
Sothebyâs Auction of Keith Haringâs Collection Achieved $4.6 Million, with Every Lot Sold...
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The paintings of Jean Paul Langlois blend memories of 1970s sci-fi and Westerns of his youth, while also exploring the artist’s connection to his own native and non-native roots...
En rachâchant is based on the short story Ah! Ernesto! (1971) by Marguerite Duras in which the child Ernesto does not want to go to school anymore as all that he is taught are things he does not know...
Drawing & Print
On a piece of paper, the artist has traced two loops in black crayon and placed two eyes where the lines intersect...
Untitled (Breathless) presents a folded newspaper article on Jean-Luc Godard’s À Bout de Souffle (Breathless)...
This photograph seems to be awaiting meaning, it more or less evokes known elements without really identifying with them completely: a motorway interchange, a bridge, an electric pylon… In fact this is the end of the tracks of the Aérotrain, a wheelless monorail invented by Jean Bertin in the 1970s, which acts like ‘a fossil of movement on landscape scale’, as explained by the artist...
It rains, Paris, 1st July 2000 , which could be the refrain of a song, is the title of a photograph of a minimal moment, the vision of a Parisian pedestrian, a cut flower lying on the pavement covered in rain drops...
The Nightwatch , which is an ironic reference to the celebrated painting by Rembrandt, follows the course of a fox wandering among the celebrated collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London...
Drawing & Print
This series of small drawings is executed with varying materials—pen, ink, colored pencil, charcoal, and masking tape—on architect’s tracing paper...
Head Box by J ean-Luc Moulène i s not the representation of a space but a real space that remains in the domain of sculpture which the artist develops in parallel with his photographic practice...
In 1978, Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville made the TV series: “France / tour / detour / two / children”, in which they aimed to identify the lifestyle of French people in 12 episodes of 26 minutes each...
Adam is an emblematic work within Jean-Charles de Quillacq’s oeuvre...
Off-White Tulips is an intimate, meditative, and tender essay-film composed as a fictional exchange between Black gay writer James Baldwin and the artist, Aykan Safoglu...
View From an Apartment features 18-year-old Joland Novaj whose image was taken from Instagram...
Landslides is a cinematographic essay/poem by Caroline Déodat in which fictional images are the result of research into the memories of a Mauritian dance born during colonial slavery, the Sega...
Drawing & Print
Soufiane Ababri’s desire to construct a historical family and a genealogy of queer kinships in Bedwork / Yes I AM sees him conjuring up a pantheon of gay writers and artists whose intellect has changed the course of human history and development, despite their outsider status...