Human Quarry is a large work on paper by Leslie Shows made of a combination of acrylic paint and collage. Both through its title and formally—through how the shapes in the composition resemble a mountain or natural formation—the piece relays us to a mineral quarry or a deep mining pit where materials are extracted. Interspersed among the block-like figures and rocky textures, we also see several human silhouettes, either cut-out, or as if they were whited out by a shining light, or lost in the shadows.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This particular drawing, like many of Grotjahn’s works, presents a decentered single-point perspective. Unlike the traditional vanishing point, the rays here emanate from the surface’s middle and hover around an indefinite and impossible convergence. The resulting fluttering of the image’s sections animates the drawing in relationship to its named subject, the butterfly.
What Color is Luke Murphy’s outstanding digital painting that elegantly loops in nonstop motion. The artist cleverly usurped the familiar signage of brightly scrolling words that we ordinarily see calling out to advertise a Bodega or sidewalk cart’s fast food. In a DIY manner, Murphy constructed the extra-luminous LED panel screen and also wrote the code that sets the pace and pattern of the flowing words.
In the video Color Strip by Elsa Werth two-dimensional versions of all the national flags of the world (197 in all) are compiled into a long horizontal strip. The video is presented on a large flat-screen, approximating the size and dimensions of a national flag. As each flag slides across the screen, connections between the colors, signs, and forms of different countries and parts of the world create unexpected associations.
In Fading Fields 7 by Elena Damiani, the unstable transparency of the print on silk chiffon is relative to the light and the viewer’s position, varying continually as one moves around the work. As apparitions or ghosts, the images portrayed appear or vanish in the space as faded recollections of a distant landscape. These impressions appear as oscillatory surfaces that fluctuate between presence and absence; they are contingent objects that shift as a result of their environment.
Conceived as a large-scale mural-like projection, Color of History, Sweating Rocks is a neo-futuristic, hybrid film that combines cinematic language, collage, animation, and inventive forms to highlight the plight of the peoples of the Sahara—and refugees in general—who have been displaced by oil-mining.
Federico Herrero’s energetic paintings reflect his experiences on the streets of his native San José, Costa Rica, and in the surrounding tropical landscape. Rooted in Central American folklore, politics, and culture, his works often move beyond the canvas onto the wall or into the streets. In Á rbol y Pelicao (Tree and Pelican, 2009), a tree with cartoonlike creatures drawn in pen beside it emerges from a field of bright swaths of color.
Kapwani Kiwanga’s Linear Painting series (2017) reflect the artist’s research into disciplinary architecture, including schools, prisons, hospitals, and mental health facilities. When they were presented together, the paintings were arranged according to a black horizontal line placed at 160 centimeters from the floor, which traced the entire perimeter of the gallery. According to hygiene standards in Europe, this would mark the height below which walls should be washed in order to prevent the spread of illnesses.
603 Football Field presents a soccer game played inside a small student apartment in Shanghai. Installed like monitors fed by surveillance cameras, the videos present a voyeuristic entry into a private space, where two teams of men are scurrying around a bed, a desk, and some shelves in to score a goal, represented by a kitchen at one end and bathroom at the other. The game is furnished with complete uniforms, a referee, and a midfield line.
The series West (Flag 1), West (Flag 3), and West (Flag 6) continues da Cunha’s ongoing exploration of the form’s various vertical, horizontal, and diagonal stripes. Here, da Cunha overlays thick bars of color (blue, green, and red) on photographs of the ocean at sunset with surfers in floating on the horizon. The solid colors contrast with the fading colors reflected in the sunset, and the tilted orientation suggests a familiar California beach scene.
Awol Erizku’s image Origin of Afro-Esotericism has compositional force and a rhythmic use of full-blast color. In the image are five faces each with varying modes of representation. One of them is “Aunt Jemima” (recently renamed Pearl Milling Company), a brand that appropriated a character from a late 19th century minstrel show.
The work Timur Merah Project 2, the harbour of restless spirit is stretched out on a full cow’s hide, replicates the Kamasan Balinese painterly language that Citra Sasmita has developed in her recent works. It represents female figures, flames, and various natural elements, permutating whimsically in a narrative of pansexual energy. While rooted in mythological thinking, with specifically Hindu and Balinese references, the scenes are equally part of a contemporary process of imagining a secular and empowered mythology for a post-patriarchal future.
Eight Views of Xiao and Xiang is a series of landscapes in the Xiaoxiang region in the modern day Hunan Province, China, and was a popular subject of poems, drawings and paintings during the Song Dynasty (960–1279). Liang follows tradition by interpreting the historical subjects by classical Chinese artists including Dong Yuan (934–962 AD), Mu Xi (died in 1281 AD), Wen Weiming (1470–1559 AD). This reinterpretation represents the meeting point of the Xiang River and the Dongting Lake.
A short video about Tate Modern by Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa depicts just two shots, both featuring the artist. The first scene portrays Wolukau-Wanambwa in a close-up frontal view, dressed in black, standing silently against a worn white wall. Through subtitles, the artist recounts her experience of participating in a workshop on the top floor of the museum.
#17 Pink is a photogram, a photographic image produced without the use of a camera. Here, the artist placed plumbago blossoms on a sheet of eight-by-ten-inch film and exposed it to light. The negative was then projected onto Kodak Metallic Endura paper through a color mural enlarger and cooler filters to produce the multicolored print.
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for. He gives light a density in the precise moments he captures—a forest’s leaves shimmering in the early morning, a street’s reflective surface radiating color at night, luminous blinds drawn over an apartment window. He achieves his distinctive effects by using an old, second hand analog era lens that he attaches to his digital camera.
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for. He gives light a density in the precise moments he captures—a forest’s leaves shimmering in the early morning, a street’s reflective surface radiating color at night, luminous blinds drawn over an apartment window. He achieves his distinctive effects by using an old, second hand analog-era lens that he attaches to his digital camera.
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for. He gives light a density in the precise moments he captures—a forest’s leaves shimmering in the early morning, a street’s reflective surface radiating color at night, luminous blinds drawn over an apartment window. He achieves his distinctive effects by using an old, second hand analog-era lens that he attaches to his digital camera.
G. S. F. C. #3 (Geometrical Sci-Fi Cyborg) belongs to a series of paintings that build upon the artist’s exploration into feminist speculative fiction and the cyborg as a creature of contemporary reality and fiction. The cyborg painting, as she calls it, is made through a smearing of human and machine in which the composition of color landscape with outlines of anthropomorphized forms is stenciled and airbrushed onto canvas, then photographed an printed onto canvas. Once this is done, Minoliti goes back over the printed canvas with paint.
Seven family members and a cat all squeezed into the small five-room house, where Motoyuki Daifu grew up in Yokohama. This young photographer’s Family Project series documents the chaos of his family’s home life. Viewers of Daifu’s color photographs peer into the cramped, cluttered, and intimate world of their living quarters, what would normally be hidden from outsiders.
At first glance, This Day by Imran Qureshi appears to be an energetic, gestural painting reminiscent of Action Painting from the mid-20th century. But upon closer inspection, highly detailed floral elements reveal themselves amongst the bold red brushstrokes. The botanical motifs in Qureshi’s work represent life and regeneration while the red paint refers to death and mortality.
Lieko Shiga’s photographs appear like dreamscapes. They gain much of their visual power from the unusual interplay between light and color, and the way in which her motifs often seem to defy physical laws such as gravity. She often photographs nocturnal landscapes that are both enchanted and haunted, invoking an emotionally and psychologically complex, contemporary inner landscape, as well as the ancient relations between mysticism, spirituality, and folklore, specifically invoking Japanese traditions and beliefs, while at the same time transforming them.
Lieko Shiga’s photographs appear like dreamscapes. They gain much of their visual power from the unusual interplay between light and color, and the way in which her motifs often seem to defy physical laws such as gravity. She often photographs nocturnal landscapes that are both enchanted and haunted, invoking an emotionally and psychologically complex, contemporary inner landscape, as well as the ancient relations between mysticism, spirituality, and folklore, specifically invoking Japanese traditions and beliefs, while at the same time transforming them.
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape. The inharmonious landscape is gradually captivated by the exquisite balance between inorganic material and mystical background. The photos were taken in places that in recent years have become targets of large-scale exploitation under a massive globalization of capital and other political interests.
Alka domo by Seba Calfuqueo is a performative video work that recontextualizes a story about Caupolicán, the Mapuche toki (meaning symbol of strength and perseverance in the face of adversity). Caupolicán was elected military leader by the Mapuche people of Chile after successfully completing the challenge of holding a log on his shoulders for two days. Caupolicán led the Mapuche army in the first uprising against the Spanish conquistadors from 1553 to 1558.
Wolfgang Tillmans initiated the ongoing series Faltenwurf in 1989, representing compositions of unused clothing, with special attention paid to the ways in which they drape and fold. The title is taken from a Germanic term used in the context of art history, designating classical drapery. In this particular photograph, Faltenwurf (Stairwell) , an assortment of various colored clothes lay tangled on a set of stairs, as a sculpture of abstract forms.
The Mohawk, the emblematic Frontier river in the period of American colonisation, is here a cable of data transmission, and the 7 Sultans Casino is a virtual destination, one of the three hundred online casinos hosted by the servers located in Kahnawake, a small native american indian reserve to the south of Montreal. Incorporating poker, challenges to the law, a struggle for the control of a new territory where the stakes are high, our film ‘La Nouvelle Kahnawake’, between fiction and documentary, pushes these analogies with the Western to explore both our relationship to the figure of the ‘Indian’ and the confusion of our perception of space that new information technology has brought about. As the artists state: “We are neither anthropologists nor journalists.
Redefining The Power (with Didi Fernandes) is a metaphor of how reflections on history and society during the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) are largely ignored within the canon of history. Resulting from Kia Henda’s research on the Fortaleza de São Miguel built by the Portuguese in the 15th century in Luanda, Angola, the Redefining The Power series was created 10 years after the Angolan Civil War as a reflection on the reactivation of memory surrounding historical monuments. Through this work, the artist aims to replace the memorialized colonial heroes and war symbols through re-appropriation, determining traumatized lands as forms of resistance and pride.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This untitled work from 2012 is a print originally made as part of the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art’s artist limited edition series. It’s contrasting dark and vibrant tones presage his later series of works, exhibited at L. A.’s Hammer Museum as Scorched Earth. These larger works share a map-like quality, looking like aerial views of some scarred urban landscape.
Slow Graffiti was produced for Da Corte’s exhibition at the Vienna Secession in 2017. The video is a shot-for-shot remake of the film “The Perfect Human” by Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth (1967). The original is narrated in an anthropological manner, or as if listening to a guide at a zoo, but Da Corte’s version is stranger and more philosophical.
Yosuke Takeda started from experimenting with darkroom photography production and he shifted over to digital photography, aware that photographic film and paper were becoming obsolete...
Helina Metaferia is an interdisciplinary artist working across collage, assemblage, video, performance, and social engagement...
Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi’s practice revives 16th century Mughal miniature painting...
Based on an instinctive feeling of unease with the convenience and automation of daily life, Lieko Shiga has developed an artistic approach that links questions about the nature of the photographic medium with fundamental questions about life and the means of expressing oneself...
The artist, writer, and researcher Ho Rui An probes histories of globalization and governance, performing a detournement of dominant semiotic systems across text, film, installation, and lecture...
Luke Murphy is a systems-based artist whose work is loosely bound by common themes of quantifying elements of the psyche and spirit with a particular interest in the Gnostic gospels, religious paintings, and digital languages – codes and systems to make art...
Artist Citra Sasmita’s work is inscribed with originality in a pan-Asian effort to revisit traditional artistic languages as tools of expression in contemporary society...
Alex Da Corte’s works conveys a state of delusion, where logic is set aside in order to access the stranger, deeper parts of our minds...
The work of Hao Liang reimagines and explores the sublime of contemporary ecological landscapes...
Seba Calfuqueo is an artist of Mapuche origin whose work critically reflects on the social, cultural, and political status of the Mapuche people in contemporary Chilean society...
Patrick Bernier and Olive Martin are a duo of artists collaborating since 1999...
rafa esparza is a multidisciplinary artist whose work reveals his interests in history, personal narratives, kinship, colonization, and the disrupted genealogies it produces...
Lim Sokchanlina, nicknamed ‘Lina’, works across documentary and conceptual practices with photography, video, installation, and performance; particularly drawn to the use and function of space where urban communities meet rural attitudes...
Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa is an artist, researcher, and convenor of the collective the Africa Cluster of the Another Roadmap School, a project fostering conversations about art and education in Africa...
Richard Bell works across a variety of media including painting, installation, performance and video and text to pose provocative, complex, and humorous challenges to our preconceived ideas of Aboriginal art, as well as addressing contemporary debates around identity, place, and politics...
Matthew Darbyshire is interested in the non-specificity of today’s design language...
Eddie Arroyo is a painter who documents residential and commercial structures that will soon be replaced by new development, chronicling the negotiations of the cultural, social, and economic fabric of a community...
Gary-Ross Pastrana is an artist interested in the philosophies of art and the epistemologies of the art object...
Arabella Campbell is a Vancouver-based painter who explores the intricacies of abstraction...
Through an economy of means, Elsa Werth makes purposefully non-spectacular gestures as forms of resistance, disruption, and transformation...
A self-taught artist, Kiluanji Kia Henda employs a strong sense of humour in his work, which often hones in on themes of identity, politics, and perceptions of post-colonialism and modernism in Africa...
A contemporary response to the historical motif of the still-life, Awol Erizku’s studio photography is brimming with color and symbolism...
Truong Cong Tung produces work that can be located amongst an aesthetic realm outside of reason or sense...
The Best Booths at Marrakech's 2024 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair Skip to main content By Sarah Belmont Plus Icon Sarah Belmont View All February 9, 2024 2:18pm The scene at the 1-54 Contemporary Art Fair in Marrakech...
11 Contemporary Artists Channeling Pierre Bonnard’s Post-Impressionist Vision | Artsy Skip to Main Content Art 11 Contemporary Artists Channeling Pierre Bonnard’s Post-Impressionist Vision Cath Pound Jan 22, 2024 5:56PM Considered one of the greatest colorists of modern art, Pierre Bonnard reveled in the simple joys of daily life...
5 Standout Shows to See at Small Galleries This December | Artsy Skip to Main Content Advertisement Art 5 Standout Shows to See at Small Galleries This December Maxwell Rabb Dec 15, 2023 2:00PM Andrea Respino Infastidite Acque #5 , 2023 Rolando Anselmi Price on request Adam Baker Sea snail , 2023 Schlomer Haus Gallery Sold In this monthly roundup, we shine the spotlight on five stellar exhibitions taking place at small and rising galleries worldwide...
Pantone Names 'Peach Fuzz' the 2024 Color of the Year | Art & Object Skip to main content Subscribe to our free e-letter! Webform Your Email Address Role Art Collector/Enthusiast Artist Art World Professional Academic Country USA Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Caribbean Netherlands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Ceuta & Melilla Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo - Brazzaville Congo - Kinshasa Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Côte d’Ivoire Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard & McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong SAR China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR China Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Outlying Oceania Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Réunion Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St...
The Pantone Color of the Year “Conspiracy,” Explained Skip to content Viva Magenta-tinted dollar bills against a Peach Fuzz background (edit Valentina Di Liscia/ Hyperallergic ) The holiday season has always been more than just a special time to spend with loved ones, as corporations seize the moment to create memorable marketing campaigns that will have the public talking well into the new year...
...out in the open fields, at night, by moonlight, surrounded by wine, and a lavender oil so powerful you could have weighed it out in silver.....
Review: ‘Glory of the World: Color Field Painting (1950s to 1983)’ | Observer Welcome to One Fine Show, where Observer highlights a recently opened exhibition at a museum outside New York City—a place we know and love that already receives plenty of attention...
Salt and Scrap Metal: How Curator Emily Edwards Is Leaving Her Mark on Dallas Contemporary Art - D Magazine Skip to content Menu Search One brand, four magazines...
Press Release: Art21 Launches “Art21 for Everyone,” an Artist-Driven Campaign Committed to Expanding Access to Contemporary Art | Art21 Our Series Art in the Twenty-First Century Extended Play New York Close Up Artist to Artist William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible Specials An always-on video channel featuring programming hand selected by Art21 Playlists Curated by Art21 staff, with guest contributions from artists, educators, and more Art21 Library Explore over 700 videos from Art21's television and digital series Latest Video 9:47 Add to watchlist "Now and Forever" Kerry James Marshall Extended Play December 6, 2023 Search Searching Art21… Welcome to your watchlist Look for the plus icon next to videos throughout the site to add them here...
Helen âLeniâ Stern, Artist Who Helped Found D.C...
Bronx Museum Trustee and Collector Richard Torres on Supporting Artists of Color, and the Picasso Heâd Most Love to Pilfer - via artnet news...
The Family Business: Illustrious Art-World Fathers and Sons on How Art Has Transformed Their Relationships - via artnet news...
This real-estate developer has a definite personal color scheme, but his eye for art isn’t limited to a particular medium or motif....
Francie Bishop Good, an artist herself, can’t resist adding to the collection she and her husband have amassed....
Contemporary Moves In Modern Singaporean Tamil Theatre | ArtsEquator Skip to content Hemang Yadav was involved in a recent development program, Tunjuk Arah/ Iyakkunar, for Malay and Indian theatre directors in Singapore...
SO, where to begin? At the beginning, of course...
5 Artists Who Influenced Contemporary Southeast Asian Art Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles January 26, 2022 By ArtsEquator (1,161 words, 3-minute read) Throughout history and up to the present day, it has been a challenge to define contemporary Southeast Asian art...
Contemporary Cools in Sotheby’s $97.8m HK Sale as Demand Shifts to New Discoveries Jean-Michel Basquiat, Untitled (Red Warrior) Sotheby’s Hong Kong sales cycle was down substantially from the Spring with the Contemporary art category falling from $141 million in sales to just under $100 million...
Vivian Greven's oil and acrylic paintings, bridging Greco-Roman art and a contemporary sense of depth and space, are studies of intimacy...
- Asia Contemporary Art Week Asia Contemporary Art Week ABOUT Consortium Partners PRESENTED ARTISTS FIELD MEETING ABOUT FIELD MEETING TAKE 6: THINKING COLLECTIONS (2018) TAKE 5: THINKING PROJECTS (2017) TAKE 4: THINKING PRACTICE (2016) TAKE 3: THINKING PERFORMANCE (2015) TAKE 2: AN AFTERTHOUGHT (2015) TAKE 1: CRITICAL OF THE FUTURE (2014) FIELD REVIEW ABOUT FIELD REVIEW ISSUE 1: SOUTH ASIA ISSUE 2: MIDDLE EAST PAST EDITIONS ACAW 2002 – 2018 PRESENTED ARTISTS PRESS PRESS RELEASES PRESS COVERAGE Announcements Posted on Friday, November 1, 2019 · Leave a Comment We’ve updated our name to better represent nearly 20 years of nonprofit service to the field...
- Asia Contemporary Art Week Asia Contemporary Art Week ABOUT Consortium Partners PRESENTED ARTISTS FIELD MEETING ABOUT FIELD MEETING TAKE 6: THINKING COLLECTIONS (2018) TAKE 5: THINKING PROJECTS (2017) TAKE 4: THINKING PRACTICE (2016) TAKE 3: THINKING PERFORMANCE (2015) TAKE 2: AN AFTERTHOUGHT (2015) TAKE 1: CRITICAL OF THE FUTURE (2014) FIELD REVIEW ABOUT FIELD REVIEW ISSUE 1: SOUTH ASIA ISSUE 2: MIDDLE EAST PAST EDITIONS ACAW 2002 – 2018 PRESENTED ARTISTS PRESS PRESS RELEASES PRESS COVERAGE Announcements Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019 · Leave a Comment ASIA CONTEMPORARY ART WEEK (ACAW) is taking a programmatic sabbatical in 2019 to plan our programs for 2020 and beyond...
Podcast 62: Unpacking the Contemporary in Traditional Dance | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles July 23, 2019 Duration: 47 min Podcast host Amin Farid alongside fellow dance scholars Elizabeth Chan and Aparna Nambiar discuss their respective fields of study within traditional dance...
Indonesia at the 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (via New Mandala) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar Zico Albaiquni, b.1987 Indonesia: "When it Shook–The Earth stood Still (After Pirous), 2018...
Vietnamese director's debut feature The Third Wife wins award at Toronto Film Festival | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles October 1, 2018 The directorial debut from Nguyen Phuong Anh, also known as Ash Mayfair, won the Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) award at last week’s Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)...
Cambodia’s first contemporary dance company: ‘we were blacklisted for not being Cambodian enough’ (via SEA Globe) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar July 26, 2018 Ap ril is hot in Cambodia, with temperatures regularly hitting the mid-30s...
Dance Podcast: Paradigm Shift; Contemporary and Street Dance Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints Elijah Zechariah "I love the group representation in this picture...
Saturday, October 14th, at Asia Society Museum- Sunday, October 15th at SVA Theatre Thanks for your interest in registering for FIELD MEETING Take 5: Thinking Projects, an exclusive two-day forum for arts professionals (curators, scholars, museum directors, artists, students & members of the press), with limited seating open to the general public...
Summer ’17 Consortium Partner Programs - Asia Contemporary Art Week Asia Contemporary Art Week ABOUT Consortium Partners PRESENTED ARTISTS FIELD MEETING ABOUT FIELD MEETING TAKE 6: THINKING COLLECTIONS (2018) TAKE 5: THINKING PROJECTS (2017) TAKE 4: THINKING PRACTICE (2016) TAKE 3: THINKING PERFORMANCE (2015) TAKE 2: AN AFTERTHOUGHT (2015) TAKE 1: CRITICAL OF THE FUTURE (2014) FIELD REVIEW ABOUT FIELD REVIEW ISSUE 1: SOUTH ASIA ISSUE 2: MIDDLE EAST PAST EDITIONS ACAW 2002 – 2018 PRESENTED ARTISTS PRESS PRESS RELEASES PRESS COVERAGE Announcements Summer ’17 Consortium Partner Programs New York City Venues ASIA SOCIETY MUSEUM Inspired by Zao Wou-Ki: Works by New York City Students Exhibition | Through August 6 Artworks created by New York City public school students based on Asia Society’s fall 2016 exhibition “No Limits: Zao Wou-Ki” are exhibited in this one of a kind exhibition...
Drawing & Print
This particular drawing, like many of Grotjahn’s works, presents a decentered single-point perspective...
A short video about Tate Modern by Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa depicts just two shots, both featuring the artist...
#17 Pink is a photogram, a photographic image produced without the use of a camera...
603 Football Field presents a soccer game played inside a small student apartment in Shanghai...
Federico Herrero’s energetic paintings reflect his experiences on the streets of his native San José, Costa Rica, and in the surrounding tropical landscape...
Matthew Darbyshire has made several Furniture Islands, all of which employ different objects and different color values...
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for...
Seven family members and a cat all squeezed into the small five-room house, where Motoyuki Daifu grew up in Yokohama...
The Mohawk, the emblematic Frontier river in the period of American colonisation, is here a cable of data transmission, and the 7 Sultans Casino is a virtual destination, one of the three hundred online casinos hosted by the servers located in Kahnawake, a small native american indian reserve to the south of Montreal...
Conceived as a large-scale mural-like projection, Color of History, Sweating Rocks is a neo-futuristic, hybrid film that combines cinematic language, collage, animation, and inventive forms to highlight the plight of the peoples of the Sahara—and refugees in general—who have been displaced by oil-mining....
The series West (Flag 1), West (Flag 3), and West (Flag 6) continues da Cunha’s ongoing exploration of the form’s various vertical, horizontal, and diagonal stripes...
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for...
Redefining The Power (with Didi Fernandes) is a metaphor of how reflections on history and society during the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) are largely ignored within the canon of history...
There was a tragedy in Sialkot, Punjab, in August 2010, when two adolescents were murdered by vigilantes who were apparently in connivance with the police...
In Gradation (2011), nine raspberries lined up on a lichen-dotted rock progress from left to right, dark to light, plump and juicy to not-yet-ripe...
Drawing & Print
This untitled work from 2012 is a print originally made as part of the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art’s artist limited edition series...
Architectural details become abstracted renderings in Chris Wiley’s inkjet prints 11 and 20 (both 2012)...
Architectural details become abstracted renderings in Chris Wiley’s inkjet prints 11 and 20 (both 2012)...
In Fading Fields 7 by Elena Damiani, the unstable transparency of the print on silk chiffon is relative to the light and the viewer’s position, varying continually as one moves around the work...
Yosuke Takeda gives the viewer brightly colored views, each of which he has searched out and patiently waited for...
Entre Chien et Loup is an installation incorporating a variety of media: rubber, discs, feathers and confetti that the artist weaves, sews and glues together...
Acts of Appearance is an ongoing series by Gauri Gill consisting of lush, large-scale color portraits of the residents of a village in Maharashtra, in Western India, which is known for making Adivasi masks...
What Color is Luke Murphy’s outstanding digital painting that elegantly loops in nonstop motion...
5901 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33127 (Botanica) is a series of paintings that artist Eddie Arroyo created over an extended period of time, depicting the same site as it appeared from 2016 to 2018...
Kapwani Kiwanga’s Linear Painting series (2017) reflect the artist’s research into disciplinary architecture, including schools, prisons, hospitals, and mental health facilities...
At first glance, This Day by Imran Qureshi appears to be an energetic, gestural painting reminiscent of Action Painting from the mid-20th century...
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
Alka domo by Seba Calfuqueo is a performative video work that recontextualizes a story about Caupolicán, the Mapuche toki (meaning symbol of strength and perseverance in the face of adversity)...
Wolfgang Tillmans initiated the ongoing series Faltenwurf in 1989, representing compositions of unused clothing, with special attention paid to the ways in which they drape and fold...
Slow Graffiti was produced for Da Corte’s exhibition at the Vienna Secession in 2017...
Awol Erizku’s image Origin of Afro-Esotericism has compositional force and a rhythmic use of full-blast color...
Gary-Ross Pastrana’s video installation Rewilding consists of three large-scale projections placed across the exhibition space...
In the video Color Strip by Elsa Werth two-dimensional versions of all the national flags of the world (197 in all) are compiled into a long horizontal strip...
The work Timur Merah Project 2, the harbour of restless spirit is stretched out on a full cow’s hide, replicates the Kamasan Balinese painterly language that Citra Sasmita has developed in her recent works...
By Way of Revolution is a series of works by Helina Metaferia that addresses the inherited histories of protest that inform contemporary social movements...
thanks for staying alive Fern.1994 by rafa esparza is from a body of work that pays homage to youth culture in the 90s...
While most of Ashmina Ranjit’s work has been large-scale installations, often immersive and site-specific, the series Hair Warp – Travel Through Strand of Universe is a brilliant concentration of both her beliefs and aesthetic...
Hand Study (Making in Whiteness) IIII by Carmen Winant is part of a series of five collages...
For Richard Bell, art is not simply a vehicle through which to represent and convey political content...
By Way of Revolution is a series of works by Helina Metaferia that addresses the inherited histories of protest that inform contemporary social movements...
By Way of Revolution is a series that addresses the inherited histories of protest that inform contemporary social movements...