In Tapitapultas (2012), Donna Conlon and Jonathan Harker comment on mass consumerism and pollution by way of a game they invented. The artists used disposable spoons as catapults to shoot thousands of plastic bottle caps at a hole in a concrete platform. The platform was once part of a U. S. military installation in the Panama Canal Zone, and it is now an observation deck in a nature park.
La Sombra (The Shadow) is a video of Regina Jose Galindo performing with a moving Leopard tank. The artist runs until exhaustion across a dirt field in what looks like a military site. Recorded for the camera, and projected on loop, the video performance was created for Documenta 14.
War Footage is a series of wall-mounted works composed of 16mm film leader, tightly bound to flag-shaped panels by the artist. In their monochrome simplicity — some white, some black, one red — they bring to mind Rauschenberg’s minimalist paintings from the 50’s; the shape and repetitive figuration bring to mind Jasper John’s later flag paintings. Modifications to the blank leader – holes, letters, random dots and dashes – were created by the machinations of previous Ancalmo pieces.
In 2012, former Guatemalan President José Efran Ros Montt was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity; Regina José Galindo’s video Tierra is a chilling reimagining of the atrocities recounted during his trial. Tierra depicts the artist standing naked in a lush field that a bulldozer has broken up. The video references an incident in which innocent Guatemalans were brutally murdered and buried in a mass grave.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
During her research on primitive currencies and cultural cannibalism, Cuevas came across the Donald Duck comic book issue “The Stone Money Mystery,” where Donald goes on a quest to find missing museum objects. Cuevas’s America (2006) is a wall painting of a comic Donald Duck wallowing in a heap of gold coins, alluding to Mexico’s postrevolutionary mural tradition. The mural’s background is one of the earliest illustrations of flora and fauna in the American continent, juxtaposed with a reference to America as having bountiful natural resources available to be exploited, and the historical use of comics as ideological tools.
Central Region by Tanatchai Bandasak is a meditation on materiality and time-based media centres on the mysterious, prehistoric ‘standing stones’ of Hintang in Northern Laos: little-studied megaliths which have survived thousands of years of political change and the cataclysmic carpet-bombing of Laos by the United States during the Cold War. In Bandasak’s unpretentious, animist portrait of the ruins, what is remarkable is the absence of the embodied observer, instead, it is the technical parsing of the digital video camera that enlivens these prodigiously still, mute and enduring objects, through a chanceless sequence of static shots, dissolving measure and revealing gradual modulations of light. The piece evokes a spectral landscape energised by the undead and the nonhuman, opening up contemporary philosophical questions via seemingly ageless and inert artifacts.
Central Station, Alignment, and Sumo are “situation portraits” that present whimsical characters within distorted and troubling worlds. These portraits explore the relationship between the psyche and contemporary social environments, focusing on isolation, identity, and distress. Central Station shows a character reaching to wipe a tear from her face as the blues of her wardrobe seem to blend in with the dismal blue of the background.
Michigan Central Station is part of a larger photographic series, Detroit Photos , which includes images of houses, theaters, stadiums, offices, and other municipal structures. Continuing his fascination with failed modernist utopias, Douglas depicts Michigan Central Station as a monolithic, almost prison-like structure lording over a desolate landscape. Once the hub of industrial transportation, the station is now devoid of any human activity and lies fallow, surrounded by train-less tracks and vegetation-less ground.
Ana Vaz describes her film É Noite na América (It is Night in America) as an eco-terror tale, freely inspired by A cosmopolitics of animals by Brazilian philosopher Juliana Fausto; in which she investigates the political life of non-human beings and questions the modern idea of the exceptionality of the human species. In parallel to the feature film version, Vaz created a three-channel installation format meant to be displayed in contemporary art spaces. This edition includes three complementary video works that expand on the conceptual frameworks of the film.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This screen-print by Dread Scott titled Imagine a World Without America shows a map without the landmass that is the USA, as if the continents have drifted, or as if it never existed in the first place. Artist Dread Scott’s work is founded upon challenging “American patriotism as a unifying value,” and as such he claims that it is necessary to “burn the US Constitution (an outmoded impediment to freedom), and position the police as successors to lynch mob terror.” Perhaps one must imagine a structurally different world to produce new and freer modes of thought. While not explicitly related to Afro-Futurism, one of the key sub-genres of science-fiction and related thought is speculative revisionism; asking ‘how would the world be different if X never happened?” This modest work is a call to our daily imaginary, an invitation to zoom out to the scale of the global human condition, and implicitly America’s role in trade, war, cultural exchange, and the spread of western values.
In 2011, Paulo Nazareth completed a unique journey of several thousand miles. Nazareth left Minas Gerais, Brazil and walked across all of Latin America to the United States to take part in an exhibition during the Miami edition of Art Basel. The series Notícias de América , described by the artist as a residency in transit, or perhaps an accidental residency, is the result of a year’s elaboration of a body of work that is the direct result of an entanglement of human affairs experienced along the way.
In 2011, Paulo Nazareth completed a unique journey of several thousand miles. Nazareth left Minas Gerais, Brazil and walked across all of Latin America to the United States to take part in an exhibition during the Miami edition of Art Basel. The series Notícias de América , described by the artist as a residency in transit, or perhaps an accidental residency, is the result of a year’s elaboration of a body of work that is the direct result of an entanglement of human affairs experienced along the way.
In her masterpiece 8 Possible Beginnings or The Creation of African-America , Walker unravels just that, the story of struggle, oppression, escape and the complexities of power dynamics in the history following slave trade in America. Her use of contour and silhouette accentuate emotion with rigor, she reduces the narrative to black and white as gruesome acts of sex and violence address trauma, fear and suffering through a majestic play of shadow and light.
To the Cardinal Gods: Central Axial Consecration (Site 6) is from a 2017 series made by Ren Zi during a residency in the Arctic Circle. The work reflects upon the serious ecological issues we face today. During the residency Ren Zi was joined by other artists, scientists, architects and educators exploring the high-Arctic Svalbard Archipelago in an interdisciplinary and collaborative endeavour to create work addressing such issues.
This anarchist flag is made from Huayruro seeds, a native plant of South and Central American tropical areas. In some cases, the Huayruro seeds are used in the preparation of psychotropic plants such as Ayahuasca (Tohé). These plants occupy a central place in Amazon biopolitics.
David Goldblatt’s “Boksburg series” is a telling portrait of the small town that became a notorious symbol of racism in South Africa. The photographic essay negotiates the troublesome landscape of the apartheid through capturing the intimate in-between moments that are seemingly inconsequential and visually inoffensive. However, it is in this series that Goldblatt provides a candid insight into the white communities during the apartheid.
Chase ATM emitting blue smoke, Bank of America ATM emitting red smoke, TD Bank ATM emitting green smoke was shot in the American Southwest at Mid-century modern architectural structures that were built to house regional independent banks and have since been bought up by Chase, Bank of America, and TD Bank. The video utilizes transparency and opacity effects in multimedia software to question the perceptibility of finance. It offers a complex metaphor (toxic assets, emergency flares, house/mortgage on fire) about the financial sector and the effects of the ‘crisis’ that led to the disappearance (and the ghostly memory) of many local and regional banks.
The photographic series Tonatiuh (The Son of the Sun) by Juan Brenner is an in-depth visual study of current Guatemalan society from the perspective of miscegenation and the incalculable consequences of the Spanish conquest. Establishing Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado as a central figure, not only in the conquest of Guatemala, but also in the formation of a complex, segregated society, Brenner proposes a series of images that re-establish the lens through which to consider both a historical and contemporary Guatemala. Tonatiuh is a visual essay on the state of a country on the verge of failure and its incapacity to address its own history and learn from it.
The title of this series – Two videos, three photographs, several related masterpieces and American art – is paradoxical, suggesting the work is conceived in relation to its medium and a situation in art history and the region of the world in which it was made. Paradoxical but in the end, often true of the way in which art history is written. The presence of black men and the term “American Art” brings us back to Robert Mapplethorpe’s Black Book .
Discrepancies with Oaxacan Textile II by Leonor Antunes is a hanging sculpture composed of three elements made of brass. This sculptural work was originally produced for the exhibition Discrepancies with Clara Porset (2018) at Museo Tamayo, which featured reassembled objects from early 20th century Cuban designer Clara Porset. Antunes’s work explores Mexican traditions through a contemporary context.
Columbus of Horticulture stems from Vvzela Kook’s ongoing research into the central and often-ignored role that botany played in the history of European imperialism. The colonial project, with its maritime explorations and voyages, was for the most part centred around the profits made from the discovery and exploitation of valuable plants (or from the kidnapping of the people needed to work on them). Vegetal products thus constituted a great part of the volume of the colonial economy, from spices to drugs, from textile fibres and dyes to tea, coffee, or cocoa.
Hueso de culebra (Snake Bone) arises from the stories that the artist’s grandmother used to tell him as a child about her father’s medical and spiritual practices in the southern part of Costa Rica, close to the border with Panama. One of them revolved around a plant that had various uses, from healing poisonous snake bites to predicting the future. She said, for example, that if one came across this plant during a period of drought, it could mean trouble was coming.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
This series of small drawings is executed with varying materials—pen, ink, colored pencil, charcoal, and masking tape—on architect’s tracing paper. Alÿs often executes such sketches in preparation for his performances, videos, and larger two-dimensional bodies of work. As the first visual representations of his ideas, they capture his thinking processes at the raw conceptual stage and allow us to gain a deeper understanding of his larger works.
The Nightwatch , which is an ironic reference to the celebrated painting by Rembrandt, follows the course of a fox wandering among the celebrated collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London. The path of the fox, from galleries containing 16th, 17th and 18th century portraits of historic figures from British history hung on plush walls, is circuitous and seemingly random. The fox tracks back and forth, sometimes inspecting the gallery furniture, often walking through the middle of the room but sometimes around its perimeter until eventually it climbs on top of a showcase, covered in fabric where he settles down to sleep.
Raybrook by Jesse Krimes takes its name from The Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook (FCI Ray Brook), a medium-security United States federal prison for male inmates located in Essex County, NY. In addition to its indexical title, this quilt-work tapestry is made from personal clothing and other like articles the artist was given by currently, and formerly incarcerated persons. It is part of a larger series of works called the Elegy Quilts , which illustrate domestic scenes inspired by conversations the artist has had with the individuals these fabrics were acquired from.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
In his paper-based work, Medellin-New York , Rojas uses coca leaves and dollar bills to spell out the words of the two cities, tied together through the illicit exchange of materials used to make the word, gesturing towards the uncomfortable reality of the drug trafficking trade and the complicity of both America and Colombia within that economic system.
The Pixelated Revolution is a lecture-performance by artist Rabih Mroué about the use of mobile phones during the Syrian revolution. The lecture looks at the central role that the photographs taken with these devices played in informing and mobilizing people during the revolutionary events, due to their ability to be shared and spread through virtual and viral communication platforms.
Vallance’s Rocket is a vibrant picture in which masses of color and collage coalesce into a central vehicle, yet the whole surface seems lit with the roar of space travel. This varied use of media has enabled the artist to bring all of the life, energy, and objects he works with into a single image.
Firenze Lai is a Hong Kong painter known for her atmospheric portraits that explore the ways in which contemporary life causes people to adjust to their surrounding conditions in disturbing ways...
Born in 1977 in the city of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Paulo Nazareth now lives as a global nomad...
Ren Zi turned to art after having spent his working life in the business of words, having previously worked in advertising...
Jesse Krimes is an artist, curator, educator, former inmate, and activist whose work tackles and fights the US prison-industrial complex...
Rometti Costales is an artistic collaboration between Julia Rometti and Victor Costales that began in 2007...
Ana Vaz is an artist and filmmaker whose works speculate on the relationships between self and other, and myth and history, through a cosmology of signs, references, and perspectives...
Dread Scott is an interdisciplinary artist who for three decades has made work that encourages viewers to re-examine cohering ideals of American society...
Many of the projects of Peter Friedl, in their heterogeneous medium and style, function as intersection points between countless lines of thought and reference, creating a vast didactic network where dialogues simultaneously merge with critical logic and narrative...
Costa Rican artist Christian Salablanca Díaz has developed a body of work around the phenomenon and experience of violence and the ways in which it generates, determines, and conditions history, society, and politics...
Emeka Okereke is a Nigerian visual artist and writer who lives and works between Lagos and Berlin, moving from one to the other on a frequent basis...
The collaborative works of Raimond Chaves and Mantilla Gilda often derive from a direct engagement with the world...
Artist Tanatchai Bandasak began his career as a filmmaker, however following his studies at art school in France, he began exploring installation and sculptural strategies for presenting moving images...
For Colombian artist Miguel Ángel Rojas, issues of economic and social inequality in his native country provide fodder to his artistic practice...
Reyes Santiago Rojas works with themes relates to nature, patience and garbage...
Colectivo Tercerunquinto develops work related to the urban, the boundaries between public and private space...
Vvzela Kook works in multiple media, including AV, performance, theatre, computer graphics, 3D printing, and drawing, often combining recent technology with artistic imagination and skill to navigate and describe cityscapes, their memory, connections, and hidden cybernetic structures, playing both with human sensorial perception and narrative devices...
Andrew Norman Wilson is an artist, curator, and filmmaker whose practice is mostly based in research and documentary...
Over 600 writers have signed this open letter to PEN America...
Ralph Fiennes: West End theatre prices 'worryingly high' Home News Israel-Gaza War War in Ukraine World Africa Asia China India Australia Europe Latin America Middle East US & Canada UK England N...
Highlights from The Winter Show 2024 | Art & Object Skip to main content Subscribe to our free e-letter! Webform Your Email Address Role Art Collector/Enthusiast Artist Art World Professional Academic Country USA Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Caribbean Netherlands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Ceuta & Melilla Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo - Brazzaville Congo - Kinshasa Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Côte d’Ivoire Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard & McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong SAR China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR China Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Outlying Oceania Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Réunion Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St...
The Top Archaeological Finds of 2023 | Art & Object Skip to main content Subscribe to our free e-letter! Webform Your Email Address Role Art Collector/Enthusiast Artist Art World Professional Academic Country USA Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Caribbean Netherlands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Ceuta & Melilla Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo - Brazzaville Congo - Kinshasa Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Côte d’Ivoire Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard & McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong SAR China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR China Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Outlying Oceania Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Réunion Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St...
Graphic memoir charts an ominous journey from Fidel Castro’s Cuba to Donald Trump’s America Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Books review Graphic memoir charts an ominous journey from Fidel Castro’s Cuba to Donald Trump’s America Cuban American artist Edel Rodriguez, labelled a “worm” for fleeing Cold War Cuba in 1980, tells story of his progress from impoverished boyhood to creating alarming covers for Time magazine David D'Arcy 9 February 2024 Share The front cover of Worm © 2023 Edel Rodriguez On the cover of the graphic memoir Worm: A Cuban American Odyssey , which follows the artist and illustrator Edel Rodriguez from 1970s Cuba to the US, the author draws himself as a boy wearing the red scarf of the José Martí Pioneer Organization and a beret with a star high on his head—the attribute of no less than Ernesto “Che” Guevara...
The best exhibitions and openings of 2024: North America - ArteFuse It’s an exciting year for art lovers — from Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz’s world-class collection of contemporary art to the world’s first exhibition exploring Matisse and the sea — there’s something for everyone Abraham Ángel: Between Wonder and Seduction Dallas Museum of Art Through 28 January 2024 Praised as one of the leading artists of his generation, Abraham Ángel produced just 24 paintings — four of which remain lost — before his tragic death at 19 years old, but those works established him as a legendary figure in the canon of modern Mexican art...
Under the artistic direction of Kathryn Weir and Folakunle Oshun, the 2024 edition of the Lagos Biennial takes place in the heart of Lagos on the grounds of Tafawa Balewa Square from 3-10 February...
Roman funerary bed found in central London Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Archaeology news Roman funerary bed found in central London Archaeologists are "blown away" by the levels of preservation of the finds at Holborn Viaduct, which also include five oak coffins, a decorated lamp, a glass vial, and jet and amber beads Maev Kennedy 5 February 2024 Share The funerary bed being excavated and a reconstruction © MOLA A Roman oak bed, on which a dead person may have been carried to a grave now lying six metres below the surface of modern London, has been excavated along with a wealth of startlingly well preserved finds spanning many centuries, by archaeologists working in advance of a huge office development at Holborn Viaduct...
Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence — Forma — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence — Forma — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Previous Next Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence Exhibition Mixed media Upcoming Seba Calfuqueo, Miroir d’eau (capture d’écran), 2023 Courtesy de l’artiste Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence In about 1 month: March 21 → April 25, 2024 In anticipation of La Collective, its future creation and solidarity center, Thanks for Nothing presents its first international exhibition, which focuses on socially engaged practices related to Central and South America...
Artists announced for Venice Biennale 2024, which will spotlight queer and Indigenous names...
Frieze reveals shortlist for Frieze Los Angeles Film Award - FAD Magazine Skip to content By Mark Westall • 26 January 2024 Share — Frieze has revealed the eight emerging filmmakers shortlisted for the 2024 Deutsche Bank Frieze Los Angeles Film Award...
The photographer’s queer and Muslim identity gives him a distinct perspective...
The Best Cookbooks of 2023, According to NPR Staffers | KQED Skip to Nav Skip to Main Skip to Footer Arts & Culture A Buffet of 2023 Cookbooks for the Food Lovers on Your List Beth Novey Dec 18 Save Article Save Article Failed to save article Please try again Facebook Share-FB Twitter Share-Twitter Email Share-Email Copy Link Copy Link Book covers of: ‘Asada,’ ‘The Cookie That Changed My Life,’ ‘Ed Mitchell's Barbeque,’ ‘The Global Pantry Cookbook,’ ‘Invitation to a Banquet,’ ‘The Secret of Cooking,’ ‘A Splash of Soy,’ ‘Start Here: Instructions for Becoming a Better Cook,’ ‘Tenderheart,’ ‘The World Central Kitchen Cookbook.’ (NPR) There are a lot of cooks at NPR...
Shilpa Gupta Gives Voice to Silence and Resilience – Skip to main content By Andy Battaglia Plus Icon Andy Battaglia Executive Editor, ARTnews & Art in America View All December 15, 2023 11:52am Detail of Shilpa Gupta’s Untitled (Spoken Poem in a Bottle) , 2018...
10 Stunning Prehistoric Sculptures from The Met's Collection | Art & Object Skip to main content Subscribe to our free e-letter! Webform Your Email Address Role Art Collector/Enthusiast Artist Art World Professional Academic Country USA Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Caribbean Netherlands Cayman Islands Central African Republic Ceuta & Melilla Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo - Brazzaville Congo - Kinshasa Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Côte d’Ivoire Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard & McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong SAR China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR China Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Outlying Oceania Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Réunion Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka St...
SVA’s MA in Curatorial Practice Prioritizes Professional Training Skip to content SVA MA Curatorial Practice students install Jun Ge’s inkjet print “Untitled” (2022) for the exhibition Was I Dreaming? , curated by Diana Colón...
An Exemplary Tiffany Stained-Glass Window Is Coming to The Met Skip to content Agnes F...
Art Basel Miami Beach 2023 is currently taking place from December 8 to December 10, 2023, at the Miami Beach Convention Center...
Paul Gaugain, Frida Kahlo and David Medalla among artists in National Gallery Singapore’s ‘Tropical’ exhibition exploring colonial and postcolonial experiences in Southeast Asia and Latin America....
‘I thought I was god’s gift to China’: art gallery owner Pearl Lam on her ‘colonial attitude’ and embracing her ethnicity | South China Morning Post ‘I thought I was god’s gift to China’: art gallery owner Pearl Lam on her ‘colonial attitude’ and embracing her ethnicity Profile Art gallery owner Pearl Lam on growing up as the daughter of property tycoon Lim Por-yen, losing her colonial mindset and celebrating diversity Kate Whitehead + FOLLOW Published: 7:45am, 3 Dec, 2023 Why you can trust SCMP I was born in Hong Kong and lived in Jardine’s Lookout...
Dreaming on the Hudson - Photographs by Andrew Kung | Essay by Magali Duzant | LensCulture Feature Dreaming on the Hudson Questioning preconceived notions of masculinity and Asian American identity against the backdrop of the Hudson River Valley, Andrew Kung weaves a new American pastoral in images that capture tender moments of youth...
Another America — AI-Generated Photos from the 1940s and 50s - AI-generated images by Phillip Toledano | Interview by Jim Casper | LensCulture Interview Another America — AI-Generated Photos from the 1940s and 50s Phil Toledano has often pushed the boundaries of photography to imagine the future; now he’s tapping into AI to create alternative histories, challenging our belief in any images at all...
Yoko Ono | Tate Modern Delve into the powerful, participatory work of artist and activist Yoko Ono Yoko Ono is a leading figure in conceptual and performance art, experimental film and music...
When a piece speaks to Dani Levinas, he listens...
Top fairs like Art Basel and Art Central are bringing in the world’s best collectors, which drives the quality of art and galleries being showcased in the city....
As the art world becomes increasingly aware of its contributions to the climate emergency, collectors can play a central role in a push for substantial change....
Commentators | The Independent Commentators Andrew Grice Andrew Grice All eyes are on Rishi Sunak for some good news Voices John Rentoul One week into Brexit Britain and how things have changed for Cameron Voices Rupert Cornwell Benghazi report is nothing more than political warfare Voices Rupert Cornwell Benghazi report is nothing more than political warfare Voices John Rentoul Let’s hear it for a man who told the truth about the EU UK Politics Don’t worry, little people: Iain Duncan Smith has got your back UK Politics Sketch: State school experiment won’t help Goldsmith's mayoral bid Voices Rosie Millard Prince was dangerous, artistically original - and outrageously erotic Voices Patrick Cockburn How Isis shocked the world by advancing on Baghdad Voices Adam Lusher Sketch: On the streets of Windsor, gratitude for the Queen overflowed Hamish McRae Higher oil prices could be just what we need to help tackle deflation Voices Matthew Turner The Panama Papers could put Bernie Sanders in the White House Voices Tom Peck Grassroots Out’s bid not official until Simon the cabbie arrives Voices Emma Daly Radovan Karadzic verdict: ‘I hope future warlords are taking note’ Voices Mary Dejevsky Kerry’s sojourn in Moscow is about shared mutual interests Voices Armando Valladares ‘Sunshine and photo-ops hide the truth of Cuba’s totalitarian regime’ Voices Novak Djokovic was unwise to get involved in the tennis pay debate Voices Andrew Grice Duncan Smith's resignation shows Tory unity eroding before referendum Voices Simmy Richman David Schneider's guide to anti-semitism hits nail on the head Voices Jane Merrick Extended school day must be for extra-curricular activities Hamish McRae Why Remain will win by a mile, and why, on balance, it should Voices Katy Guest Sexism claims boring you? Then stop being sexist Voices Dj Taylor Anita Brookner showed how to create literature out of loneliness Voices Dom Joly How do you get a newspaper column? Wine helped for me Voices Joan Smith The world has darkened, but feminism shines a light Voices Rupert Cornwell Trump might not be good for America, but he's great for TV networks Voices Michael Graydon Syria needs real vision, not sticking plaster solutions Voices Cole Moreton I am angry that we still live in such an unjust society Voices Kim Sengupta Al-Shishani’s ‘death’ will leave a big hole in Isis’s high command Voices Bill Law Yemen's war is becoming as messy as the conflict in Syria Voices Andrew Grice Osborne offers little relief for young generation despite the slogan Voices Steve Richards Osborne is keeping his fingers crossed, hoping something will turn up Voices Rupert Cornwell Trump card could secure victory over Clinton in game of demographics Voices Alexander Yakovenko Russian strikes on Syria drove out terrorists and helped start talks Voices Geoffrey Lean We must not miss the boat on using nature to reduce peak flooding Voices John Rentoul John McDonnell – the new voice of fiscal responsibility Voices Dom Joly Poolside with the Pulitzer crowd at the Dubai Literary Festival Voices Rupert Cornwell Trump and Trudeaumania are changing American views of Canada Voices Alison Shepherd Enjoying sex in middle-age?...
Vallance’s Rocket is a vibrant picture in which masses of color and collage coalesce into a central vehicle, yet the whole surface seems lit with the roar of space travel...
David Goldblatt’s “Boksburg series” is a telling portrait of the small town that became a notorious symbol of racism in South Africa...
In No Title (Blue Chapel) Therrien has reduced the image of a chapel to a polygon...
Catherine Opie’s candid photograph Cathy (bed Self-portrait) (1987) shows the artist atop a bed wearing a negligee and a dildo; the latter is attached to a whip that she holds in her teeth...
Michigan Central Station is part of a larger photographic series, Detroit Photos , which includes images of houses, theaters, stadiums, offices, and other municipal structures...
Drawing & Print
BF15 is a preparatory study for the collective’s intervention at the BF15 gallery in Mexico, near Monterrey...
Peter Friedl’s projects place aesthetic questions within an expanded field that takes into account the social, political and philosophical context...
The Nightwatch , which is an ironic reference to the celebrated painting by Rembrandt, follows the course of a fox wandering among the celebrated collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London...
In her masterpiece 8 Possible Beginnings or The Creation of African-America , Walker unravels just that, the story of struggle, oppression, escape and the complexities of power dynamics in the history following slave trade in America...
Drawing & Print
During her research on primitive currencies and cultural cannibalism, Cuevas came across the Donald Duck comic book issue “The Stone Money Mystery,” where Donald goes on a quest to find missing museum objects...
Drawing & Print
This screen-print by Dread Scott titled Imagine a World Without America shows a map without the landmass that is the USA, as if the continents have drifted, or as if it never existed in the first place...
Drawing & Print
This series of small drawings is executed with varying materials—pen, ink, colored pencil, charcoal, and masking tape—on architect’s tracing paper...
Federico Herrero’s energetic paintings reflect his experiences on the streets of his native San José, Costa Rica, and in the surrounding tropical landscape...
War Footage is a series of wall-mounted works composed of 16mm film leader, tightly bound to flag-shaped panels by the artist...
Office Lady with a Red Umbrella restages a figure from a 1980 postcard made from a photograph from 1950’s...
Canoas by Tamar Guimarães is a film made for the 2010 São Paulo biennial as an exercise in the projection of national identity...
Drawing & Print
In his paper-based work, Medellin-New York , Rojas uses coca leaves and dollar bills to spell out the words of the two cities, tied together through the illicit exchange of materials used to make the word, gesturing towards the uncomfortable reality of the drug trafficking trade and the complicity of both America and Colombia within that economic system....
Visalia Livestock Market, Visalia, California results from Lockhart’s prolonged investigation of an agricultural center and community...
Jason Meadows’s Do Not Pass Go (2011) depicts Richie Rich, “the poor little rich boy” of the 1950s comic strip...
In Tapitapultas (2012), Donna Conlon and Jonathan Harker comment on mass consumerism and pollution by way of a game they invented...
The Pixelated Revolution is a lecture-performance by artist Rabih Mroué about the use of mobile phones during the Syrian revolution...
Superb production values and special effects that in the hands of Miguel Angel Rios do not get in the way or distracts from the content and deep essay of this work...
In 2012, former Guatemalan President José Efran Ros Montt was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity; Regina José Galindo’s video Tierra is a chilling reimagining of the atrocities recounted during his trial...
Central Station, Alignment, and Sumo are “situation portraits” that present whimsical characters within distorted and troubling worlds...
This anarchist flag is made from Huayruro seeds, a native plant of South and Central American tropical areas...
Central Station, Alignment, and Sumo are “situation portraits” that present whimsical characters within distorted and troubling worlds...
Central Station, Alignment, and Argument are “situation portraits” that present whimsical characters within distorted and troubling worlds...
Chase ATM emitting blue smoke, Bank of America ATM emitting red smoke, TD Bank ATM emitting green smoke was shot in the American Southwest at Mid-century modern architectural structures that were built to house regional independent banks and have since been bought up by Chase, Bank of America, and TD Bank...
Carlos Amorales, based in Mexico City, works in many media and combinations thereof, including video, drawing, painting, photography, installation, animation, and performance...
450 Hayes Street (excavation site) by Marcelo Cidade is a large scale photograph documenting the artist’s excavation of a parking lot located at 450 Hayes Street in San Francisco, a former section of the city’s Central freeway and current condominium site...
Drawing & Print
Concerned with the early history of Singapore, Zai Kuning spent many years living with and researching the history of the Riau peoples who were the first inhabitants of Singapore...
In Hsu’s work, Colonia China (2014), the artist documents a Chinese cemetery of Costa Rica’s Limón Province, along the country’s Caribbean coast...
For Piedras Blancas , arguably his most ambitious and visually arresting video to date, Miguel Angel Ríos made 3,000 “piedras” out of a concrete/stone composite...
The work Sarta (String) by Reyes Santiago Roja is part of a larger series of works that examine the commercialization of the tobacco plant and its relationship to the meaning and use of tobacco by Native American tribes such as the Mayas, Aztecs, Incas or Tainos, which attributed spiritual qualities to tobacco such as the smoke carrying one’s thoughts and prayers to the sprits...
Drawing & Print
Her collage works are made from the pages of glossy lifestyle magazines, from which the artist identifies colors, forms, and textures that she reconstitutes into rich, abstract compositions...
Her 2016 video installation quotes the sitcom-as-form and also draws from a 1907 comedic short, Laughing Gas...
Ramirez’s The International Sail is the fifth in a series that features an upside-down worn out, mended and fragmented boat sail...
The photographic series Tonatiuh (The Son of the Sun) by Juan Brenner is an in-depth visual study of current Guatemalan society from the perspective of miscegenation and the incalculable consequences of the Spanish conquest...
Discrepancies with Oaxacan Textile II by Leonor Antunes is a hanging sculpture composed of three elements made of brass...
Bariga Nights is a photographic series set in the Bariga neighborhood in Lagos (Nigeria)...
El mar y sus múltiples afluentes (The Sea and its Multiple Tributaries) builds on the concept of trafficking that Adriana Bustos has been exploring over the last decade...
Central Region by Tanatchai Bandasak is a meditation on materiality and time-based media centres on the mysterious, prehistoric ‘standing stones’ of Hintang in Northern Laos: little-studied megaliths which have survived thousands of years of political change and the cataclysmic carpet-bombing of Laos by the United States during the Cold War...
Columbus of Horticulture stems from Vvzela Kook’s ongoing research into the central and often-ignored role that botany played in the history of European imperialism...
Raybrook by Jesse Krimes takes its name from The Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook (FCI Ray Brook), a medium-security United States federal prison for male inmates located in Essex County, NY...
Drawing & Print
The year 2016 is organized like a telephone book; the data corresponding to the contributions are classified in alphabetical order by the name of the donor...
Hueso de culebra (Snake Bone) arises from the stories that the artist’s grandmother used to tell him as a child about her father’s medical and spiritual practices in the southern part of Costa Rica, close to the border with Panama...
Ana Vaz describes her film É Noite na América (It is Night in America) as an eco-terror tale, freely inspired by A cosmopolitics of animals by Brazilian philosopher Juliana Fausto; in which she investigates the political life of non-human beings and questions the modern idea of the exceptionality of the human species...