G. S. F. C. #3 (Geometrical Sci-Fi Cyborg) belongs to a series of paintings that build upon the artist’s exploration into feminist speculative fiction and the cyborg as a creature of contemporary reality and fiction. The cyborg painting, as she calls it, is made through a smearing of human and machine in which the composition of color landscape with outlines of anthropomorphized forms is stenciled and airbrushed onto canvas, then photographed an printed onto canvas. Once this is done, Minoliti goes back over the printed canvas with paint.
In Ad Minoliti’s expansive three-panel painting Abstracción geométrico-galáctica the artist’s hallmark geometric abstractions serve as playful substitutes for more straightforward depictions of the world. A departure from previous bodies of work that explore the modern interiors of 1960’s-era American homes, porn sets, and jungles, Abstracción geométrico-galáctica launches the artist’s geometric characters into space for the first time. The work draws directly from Minoliti’s experience with The Feminist School of Painting .
“BC/AD” (Before Cancer, After Diagnoses) is a video of photographs of the artist’s face dating from early childhood to the month before he died, accompanied by the last diary entries he wrote from April 2004 to July 2005 (entitled “50 Reasons for Getting Out of Bed”), from the period from when he lost his voice, thinking he had laryngitis, through the moment he was diagnosed with lung cancer and the subsequent treatment that was ultimately, ineffective. The diary entries are at once poignant, ironic, laced with gallows of humor, with his continued eye for the little incidents in life, interweaving the past with his experience of the present. The morphing of the portraits—the eyes and sight remaining leveled—is haunting, beginning with very blurry images of childhood and ending with a pin-sharp photograph of Breakwell the month before he died.
Eight Views of Xiao and Xiang is a series of landscapes in the Xiaoxiang region in the modern day Hunan Province, China, and was a popular subject of poems, drawings and paintings during the Song Dynasty (960–1279). Liang follows tradition by interpreting the historical subjects by classical Chinese artists including Dong Yuan (934–962 AD), Mu Xi (died in 1281 AD), Wen Weiming (1470–1559 AD). This reinterpretation represents the meeting point of the Xiang River and the Dongting Lake.
For this image, Olaf Breuning invented a revised stone age corrected for the cinema in which dolmens and leather were replaced by surf boards and neoprene clothing. With the beach as a backdrop, the hyper-aestheticized vikings seem to pose for a surf ad. The collage on the horizon line, the heterogenous nature of the lighting and the costume-like clothing all point to the mise en scène.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Some of Faught’s works have been inspired by the ad hoc monuments created at gravesites in San Francisco’s Neptune Society Columbarium, where many victims of the AIDS epidemic were laid to rest. The personal objects, mementos, and offerings left in the cemetery have become something of an archive of a particular moment in queer history and the gay community in the city. His 2014 sculpture, Edward , is part of a larger series of works that Faught has made to memorialize (or simply recall) his past lovers.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
A combination of planning and improvisation, control and lack of control, this painting is typical of Amm’s work. With its intimations of the sublime and reference to the works of Ad Reinhardt and Mark Rothko this painting extends the Romantic and modernist traditions in a perceptive way. These are subtle, slow, delicate paintings that evolve over a period of time—the product of long periods of contemplation.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
Untitled was part of the 2002 exhibition “Drawings for the Austrian School” held at the D’Amelio Terras gallery in New York. For this occasion, Morris created a language of his own by using acrylic, ink, graphite and ballpoint pen on paper. The exhibition title comes from Morris’ interest in the early 20th century Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, a one time Austrian Minister of Finance, bank director, and economics professor who taught in Europe and at Harvard University.
Sara Eliassen’s video work A Blank Slate (2014) employs cinematic effect to investigate the relationships between subjectivity, gaze, and memory. Set in a sleepy and unidentified coastal town, the film begins as the protagonist unexpectedly finds herself inside a hotel room in a lucid state. Attempting to grasp her surroundings, she falls into a deeper metaphysical reality where her memories blur with her awareness of her surroundings until she finds herself again alone in a dream-like state.
The work of Keith Tyson is concerned with an interest in generative systems, and embraces the complexity and interconnectedness of existence. Philosophical problems such as the nature of causality, the roles of probability and design in human experience, and the limits and possibilities of human knowledge, animate much of his work. Language as a coded system, as a representation medium, but also as something that generates a whole variety of realities also plays a central role.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years. It’s no secret that the artworld tends to take itself too seriously, so it’s no surprise that Helguera’s project has developed a large following over the past decade—providing much needed comic relief.. Helguera grew up making and exchanging drawings like these with his father and brother, but never made drawing a part of his public practice until in 2008, when he began periodically posting what came to be known as ‘Artoons’ on Facebook. The series caricatures and lampoons agents and events in the artworld, combining just enough visual reference along with a caption.
In addition to a long and diverse career as an artist, performer and writer of over a dozen books, Pablo Helguera has worked in the education departments of key institutions such as the Guggenheim Museum (1998-2005) and MoMA (2007-2020)...
Ad Minoliti is a painter who combines the pictorial language of geometric abstraction with the perspective of queer theory...
John Morris practices what critic Allan Weiss calls “ poetics of the ad infinitum” an ecstatic but precise doodling in which handmade marks stand for unrepresentable holism...
Photographer Sabelo Mlangeni’s black and white images capture the intimate, everyday moments of communities in contemporary South Africa...
Markus Amm studied graphic design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach, Germany...
Born in 1977 in Jerusalem Lives and works in New York...
The work of Hao Liang reimagines and explores the sublime of contemporary ecological landscapes...
Olaf Breuning’s photographs, videos, performances and installations play with codes of mass production with references to publicity, fashion and cinema and “high” and “low” art...
American artist Josh Faught uses weaving, knitting, and crochet as means to making in his textured and evocative sculptures...
Sara Eliassen is a conceptual filmmaker working in video, drawing, installation, and public practice...
Best and Worst Super Bowl Ads, 2024 | KQED Skip to Nav Skip to Main Skip to Footer upper waypoint NPR Super Bowl Ads Played it Safe, but There Were Still Some Winners Eric Deggans Feb 12 Save Article Save Article Failed to save article Please try again Email Cardi B...
Fun Facts About Glassblowing You Didn’t Know Home » Fun Facts About Glassblowing You Didn’t Know ART Feb 5, 2024 Ξ Leave a comment Fun Facts About Glassblowing You Didn’t Know posted by Kelly Schoessling Learning glassblowing can be an interesting and rewarding experience for artisans and people from all walks of life...
Ojuelegba Comes Alive in Emeka Ogboh's Multisensory Installation - Artcentron Home » Ojuelegba Comes Alive in Emeka Ogboh’s Multisensory Installation ART Feb 3, 2024 Ξ Leave a comment Ojuelegba Comes Alive in Emeka Ogboh’s Multisensory Installation posted by ARTCENTRON Emeka Ogboh, Ojuelegba 2023...
Mona Lisa Vandalism: Soup Protest Causes Chaos at the Louvre - Artcentron Home » Mona Lisa Vandalism: Soup Protest Causes Chaos at the Louvre ART Feb 1, 2024 Ξ Leave a comment Mona Lisa Vandalism: Soup Protest Causes Chaos at the Louvre posted by ARTCENTRON A close-up shows how the Mona Lisa vandalism raises serious concerns about protection...
How Ai Weiwei Marries Advocacy and Art at Home and Abroad ‹ Literary Hub Craft and Criticism Fiction and Poetry News and Culture Lit Hub Radio Reading Lists Book Marks CrimeReads About Log In Literary Hub Craft and Criticism Literary Criticism Craft and Advice In Conversation On Translation Fiction and Poetry Short Story From the Novel Poem News and Culture History Science Politics Biography Memoir Food Technology Bookstores and Libraries Film and TV Travel Music Art and Photography The Hub Style Design Sports Freeman’s The Virtual Book Channel Lit Hub Radio Behind the Mic Beyond the Page The Cosmic Library The Critic and Her Publics Emergence Magazine Fiction/Non/Fiction First Draft: A Dialogue on Writing Future Fables The History of Literature I’m a Writer But Just the Right Book Keen On The Literary Life with Mitchell Kaplan New Books Network Read Smart Talk Easy Tor Presents: Voyage Into Genre Windham-Campbell Prizes Podcast Write-minded Reading Lists The Best of the Decade Book Marks Best Reviewed Books BookMarks Daily Giveaway CrimeReads True Crime The Daily Thrill CrimeReads Daily Giveaway Log In How Ai Weiwei Marries Advocacy and Art at Home and Abroad From His Graphic Memoir, "Zodiac" Via Ten Speed Press By Ai Weiwei, Elettra Stamboulis and Gianluca Costantini January 30, 2024 The following is from Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir by Ai Weiwei with Elettra Stamboulis, illustrated by Gianluca Constantini...
At Year’s End a Lineup from Long Ago | Straight Up | Jan Herman This card from 1968, designed and printed by Graham Macintosh , shows a little mag’s lineup and the subscription-cum-ad rates at the time...
Zara Stores Face Protests Over Ads Evoking Palestinian Suffering Skip to content @freedomcats_ #zara #fyp #protest #news ♬ Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) [2018 Remaster] – Kate Bush Groups of demonstrators staged walk-in protests in Zara stores in Hannover, Germany, and Melbourne, Australia, this past week in response to a recent ad campaign by the fast-fashion brand that critics said appropriated images of Palestinian death and suffering...
Portcullis House needs overhaul to ‘prevent glass falling on to people’ | Politics | The Guardian Skip to main content Skip to navigation Skip to navigation Portcullis House requires work likely to cost tens of millions of pounds, according to a parliamentary report obtained by the Observer...
Protesters Call for Gaza Ceasefire at Art Basel Miami Beach Skip to content Protesters installed a banner reading "Let Palestine Live" in front of Art Basel Miami...
40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back 40 ans du Frac !...
40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook 40 ans du Frac ! — Gunaikeîon — Frac île-de-france, les Réserves — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour 40 ans du Frac !...
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Chekos’Art Creates “Goddess of Paradise”in Brindisi, Puglia, Italy | Brooklyn Street Art BROOKLYN STREET ART LOVES YOU MORE EVERY DAY In the vibrant neighborhood of Brindisi, nestled in Italy’s southern region, a new mural bears the distinct signature of artist Francesco Ferreri, widely known as Chekos’art...
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James Barnor Prize for African Photographers Goes to Mário Macilau - Artcentron Home » James Barnor Prize for African Photographers Goes to Mário Macilau ART Nov 3, 2023 Ξ Leave a comment James Barnor Prize for African Photographers Goes to Mário Macilau posted by ARTCENTRON Untitled , Circle of Memories series, 2020 by Mário Macilau, winner of the second edition of the James Barnor Prize The multidisciplinary artist and activist from Mozambique, Mário Macilau, is the winner of the James Barnor Prize...
BOMB Magazine | Athena Dixon Necessary (Required) Cookies that the site cannot function properly without...
Witek Orski, What is beautiful I do not know anymore - Galeria Foksal Polski English GALERIA FOKSAL #Las Rzeczy Exhibitions Artists About gallery Contact Witek Orski Witek Orski, What is beautiful I do not know anymore March 31, 2023 Opening of the exhibition: 31.03.2023 (Fri.), 6.00-9.00 pm 31.03...
Tomasz Ciecierski, AD HOC - Galeria Foksal Polski English GALERIA FOKSAL #Las Rzeczy Exhibitions Artists About gallery Contact Tomasz Ciecierski Tomasz Ciecierski, AD HOC February 3, 2023 Opening: Friday, February 3rd, 2023, 6 pm, Exhibition open from February 4th, till March 18th, 2023 Curator: Lech Stangret Galeria Foksal proudly presents paintings and collages made in 2022 by Tomasz Ciecierski, one of the most eminent Polish contemporary painters...
British artist says she had previously refused to sell her work to the YBA collector after his ad campaign rocketed Margaret Thatcher to power in 1979...
Morehouse donation: A New York businessman donated a $1 million art collection featuring mostly Black and LGBTQ artists | CNN A New York businessman donated a $1 million art collection to Morehouse College By Alaa Elassar , CNN Updated 4:03 AM EST, Sun December 13, 2020 Link Copied! Ad Feedback McArthur Binion, "DNA:Study," 2020 ©McArthur Binion...
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Pamela Anderson collects pop art to enhance her "sexy life"...
See Works from Hallam Chowâs Donation to the M+ Museum - via ARTnews...
We're Hiring! Editorial and Marketing Assistant (Regionally-based) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints January 11, 2022 ArtsEquator Ltd...
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Those who don’t consider glass a major art medium will think again after visiting a fascinating exhibition that opens in May at the Corning Museum of Glass...
Which Singaporean Artistic Director Are You? | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles January 3, 2019 Artistic directors of the many theatre companies in Singapore have strong, iconic personalities...
For this image, Olaf Breuning invented a revised stone age corrected for the cinema in which dolmens and leather were replaced by surf boards and neoprene clothing...
“BC/AD” (Before Cancer, After Diagnoses) is a video of photographs of the artist’s face dating from early childhood to the month before he died, accompanied by the last diary entries he wrote from April 2004 to July 2005 (entitled “50 Reasons for Getting Out of Bed”), from the period from when he lost his voice, thinking he had laryngitis, through the moment he was diagnosed with lung cancer and the subsequent treatment that was ultimately, ineffective...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Some of Faught’s works have been inspired by the ad hoc monuments created at gravesites in San Francisco’s Neptune Society Columbarium, where many victims of the AIDS epidemic were laid to rest...
Sara Eliassen’s video work A Blank Slate (2014) employs cinematic effect to investigate the relationships between subjectivity, gaze, and memory...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Plane is an inflatable sculpture in the shape of an aeroplane made from numerous pieces of plastic bags assembled by an iron...
A combination of planning and improvisation, control and lack of control, this painting is typical of Amm’s work...
In Ad Minoliti’s expansive three-panel painting Abstracción geométrico-galáctica the artist’s hallmark geometric abstractions serve as playful substitutes for more straightforward depictions of the world...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
The Royal House of Allure is a name of a safe house on mainland Lagos where members of the queer community in need of boarding, due to various circumstances, live together...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...
Drawing & Print
A sly sense of humor is key in Pablo Helguera’s long-running Artoons series, one that includes ~1500 drawings made over ten years...