about 11 months ago (02/11/2024)
Tour Geoffrey Bawa’s Ena de Silva House in Sri Lanka | Wallpaper At Ena de Silva house, each brick, roof tile and pebblestone was numbered before being transported to the new location and reinstalled in their exact original position (Image credit: Teardrop Hotels) By Daven Wu published 11 February 2024 In 1960, when Ena de Silva and her husband Osmund were casting about for an architect to build their family home on a small plot they’d just bought in Colombo, Sri Lanka, her friend, the landscaper Bevis Bawa, suggested his younger brother, Geoffrey, who had just started practising. De Silva, a bona fide aristocrat from Kandy in central Sri Lanka, hesitated. She’d seen the architect around town in his Rolls-Royce, his blond tresses and silk scarf fluttering in the wind, and had been decidedly unimpressed.