In a Neighborly Portrait Series, Ashraful Arefin Turns His Gaze Toward Four-Legged Passersby

about 13 months ago (12/14/2023)

In Animals from the streets , photographer Ashraful Arefin takes a moment to greet the furry creatures that join the hustle and bustle of the city. Taken during the last few years in cities like Kolkata, Delhi, Jaisalmer, Kathmandu, Dubai, and Dhaka, where Arefin is based, the portraits are dreamlike and neighborly, glimpsing the mundane goings on of cats, rhesus monkeys, and cows sunbathing or lumbering through small thoroughfares. Arefin takes a friendly approach to documenting his subjects, framing them like any other passerby wandering through the streets.

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