Argentina’s new president Javier Milei does away with culture ministry 24 hours after taking office

about 13 months ago (12/15/2023)

Argentina’s new president Javier Milei does away with culture ministry 24 hours after taking office Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Politics news Argentina’s new president Javier Milei does away with culture ministry 24 hours after taking office The new far-right president halved the number of government ministries (and devalued the peso by 50%) in a show of “control” over the nation and its economic troubles Elena Goukassian 15 December 2023 Share Javier Milei during his inauguration as president of Argentina on 10 December 2023 Photo by Senado de la Nación Argentina, via Wikimedia Commons It only took a day into his term as Argentina’s new president for Javier Milei to get rid of the Ministry of Culture. Milei was inaugurated on 10 December, and the following day, the boisterously libertarian economist and former television commentator fulfilled his campaign promise with typical bravado. Also on the chopping block—or, rather, in the path of his chainsaw, which Milei carried throughout his campaign to symbolise his intent to slash government spending—was the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.

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