Video: Catherine Opie on photographing leading British artists

Catherine Opie

location: Los Angeles, California
year born: 1961
gender: female
nationality: American
home town: Sandusky, Ohio

about 8 months ago (10/05/2023)

Video: Catherine Opie on photographing leading British artists | Blog | Royal Academy of Arts Catherine Opie in the RA Collection Gallery Video: Catherine Opie on photographing leading British artists Read more Become a Friend Video: Catherine Opie on photographing leading British artists Published 8 September 2023 Catherine Opie discusses her portraits of David Hockney, Anish Kapoor, Gillian Wearing, Isaac Julien and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, featured in our free display in the Collection Gallery. This content is hosted on Vimeo You need to consent to marketing cookies set by Vimeo to view this content. ​ Manage preferences “To honour these artists is really important to me.” In the last five years, Catherine Opie’s work has focused on artists that are her friends.

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