Devil’s Rib

about 16 months ago (09/13/2023)

Devil’s Rib - Photographs by Mateusz Kowalik | Book review by Erik Vroons | LensCulture Book review Devil’s Rib Turning his lens on people who have chosen to live in remote Poland, Mateusz Kowalik’s award-winning book explores the lure of the wild and the tensions that arise when one turns their back on the comforts of modernity. Photographs by Mateusz Kowalik Book review by Erik Vroons Devil’s Rib Turning his lens on people who have chosen to live in remote Poland, Mateusz Kowalik’s award-winning book explores the lure of the wild and the tensions that arise when one turns their back on the comforts of modernity. Mateusz Kowalik’s Devil’s Rib , winner of the second edition of the Star Photobook Dummy Award, offers an impression of what it’s like to make a radical move: to leave everything behind and pursue a life away from modern society.

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