Oreille Coupée

about 18 months ago (07/07/2023)

Oreille Coupée - Photographs by Julien Coquentin | Book review by Justin Herfst | LensCulture Book review Oreille Coupée Investigating the remarkable return of a lone wolf to south central France, Julien Coquentin’s “Orielle Coupée” uses cyanotypes, landscapes and portraits to tell its story. Photographs by Julien Coquentin Book review by Justin Herfst Oreille Coupée Investigating the remarkable return of a lone wolf to south central France, Julien Coquentin’s “Orielle Coupée” uses cyanotypes, landscapes and portraits to tell its story. In 2015, a lone male wolf traveled from high in the Italian Alps to make its permanent home in south central France.

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