Fairs, Films and a Touch of Goth: Alternative Ideas for Bay Area Holiday Events

about 9 months ago (12/15/2023)

Fairs, Films and a Touch of Goth: Alternative Ideas for Bay Area Holiday Events | KQED Skip to Nav Skip to Main Skip to Footer The Do List Fairs, Films and a Touch of Goth: Alternative Ideas for Bay Area Holiday Events Nisa Khan Dec 14 Save Article Save Article Failed to save article Please try again Facebook Share-FB Twitter Share-Twitter Email Share-Email Copy Link Copy Link San Francisco's Union Square, lit up during holiday season (Ei Katsumata/Getty) The last weeks of December 2023 are almost upon us. And for many who don’t observe the Christmas holiday, or aren’t traveling to see family, it can feel like things get a little … slow in the Bay Area during this time. But don’t worry – in truth, the region has plenty happening in these last couple of weeks before the new calendar year hits.

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