Charles LeDray: Securing memory

about 13 months ago (11/26/2023)

Charles LeDray: Securing memory – Two Coats of Paint Charles LeDray, Shiner, 2015–2023, wood, mat board, acrylic paint, enamel paint, watercolor, polyurethane, fabric, leather, embroidery floss, acrylic yarn, silicone rubber, Lava soap, mother of pearl, Fimo, pretzel bits, rabbit fur, bubble gum, wax, cinnamon oil, shoe dye, metal, copper wire, electrical tape, acrylic, foil, pumice, plastic, eraser, letterpress print, printed paper, 5 3/4 x 34 x 23 7/8 inches Contributed by Barbara A. MacAdam / In his solo show “Shiner” at Peter Freeman, Inc., Charles LeDray continues to frolic in his own past, fixing memories and cultural landmarks in tightly condensed, shrunken garments sewn up and assembled into sculptures, and in self-constructed objects turned on a potter’s wheel. He thus creates a home in which he is master and exercises total control over how the artifacts of his life are perceived. He draws our attention to miniscule objects, thereby empowering them.

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