Kosovo Detains Young Man for Unauthorised Denigrating Publication on ‘Telegram’

about 4 months ago (02/09/2024)

Kosovo Detains Young Man for Unauthorised Denigrating Publication on ‘Telegram’ - Prishtina Insight Home Kallxo Jeta në Kosovë Drejtësia në Kosovë Gazeta JNK Log In Subscribe News Features Opinion Guide Big Deal Archive Follow @prishtinsight Photo: Pixabay Kosovo Detains Young Man for Unauthorised Denigrating Publication on ‘Telegram’ A Kosovo court detained a young man for sharing images of a girl in a Telegram group, with over 100,000 members, used to publish derogatory and ‘deep fake’ images of women and girls, in Albanian language. The Basic Court of Prizren, has ruled a thirty day detention for eighteen year old L. B., arrested on February 5, under the suspicion that he shared images of a girl in a group in the social media network Telegram, being used in Kosovo to share blackmailing “pornograpahic” material of women and girls. Around 112,000 members have joined the group where personal data, intimate, derogatory, and ‘deep fake’ videos and photos, of mainly women and girls, are being shared in the Albanian language.

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