Set of 5: 72.39 x 54.61 cm.
Wrong Currency (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) by Sanya Kantarovsky uses the stylistic vernacular of five separate artists to create a series of five lithographs, dealing with a series of apparently unrelated happenings, each staged as one “day.” The series takes up Kantarovsky’s theme of embarrassment across a variety of scenes, each populated by multiple figures, set in a disjunctive relation. The visual forms are brought into conversation through their shared emotional cadence. Kantarovsky proposes an affective affinity beyond style or subject matter.
Artist and curator Sanya Kantarovsky works across mediums to grapple with embarrassment and shame, emphasizing alienation through exposure of that which is deeply personal. The figures portrayed in the artist’s work are caught in the midst of vulnerability, and interact directly with the edges of the medium at hand, as well as the other denizens of Kantarovsky’s compositions. The works contain a dark humor reminiscent of the occasionally melancholy modern Eastern European literary aesthetic, but also references figures both canonical and on the periphery of art history. As such, Kantarovsky uses this uncanny sense of embarrassment to both refer to his regional heritage, as well as cast a similarly uneasy shadow over the works from which he draws inspiration.
An Interview with Curator Katerina Gregos | Observer Since the Greek curator Katerina Gregos was appointed the artistic director of Athens’ National Museum of Contemporary Art in 2021, she has not only helped transform it and build its collection but also helped cement its place on the global cultural map...
In her 2011 webcam video, Sickhands , Cortright poses before her in-computer camera, as her hands, hair, and body begin waving and rippling vertically across the screen, distorted by software effects...
Weekly Picks: Indonesia (23 - 29 July 2018) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Indonesia July 23, 2018 Top Picks of Indonesia art events in Bali, Bromo, Solo and Jakarta from 23-29 July 2018 In Bali, Uma Seminyak is exhibiting Dolanan , an art show by 4 artists that highlights the world of imagination...
This video was filmed in the middle of the Zagreb fair which took place in the 1960s and 1970s under the rule of Tito...
Foreigners Everywhere is a series of neon signs in several different languages...
Last Postcards is a series of three small double-sided paintings on plywood in which Biernoff imagines the last communications from explorers lost in the wilderness...