40 x 30 x 40 cm
Wheat Mollah ( 2011) is one of Slavs and Tatars composite object. The title Wheat Mollah has various interpretations, from “master” or spiritual authority for Shiites and “friend” for Sunnis. The turban is also worn in a diversity of cultures and religions in Africa, Asia and India. However, in this work, the turban is woven in wheat. For Slavs and Tatars, wheat is almost an atavistic element, used in the emblem of the USSR as well as in that of Iran’s first established bank, Bank Sepah and in the one of the revolutionary guards. For the writer Fionn Meade, Slavs and Tatars’ object can also be described as “reminiscent of Marcel Broodthaers’s early sculptures that targeted Belgian nationalism and bourgeois complicity in colonialism via comic deployment of mussels, coal, and eggs alongside news from the Congo. Slavs and Tatars’ sculptural mashups of cliché and gravity likewise reside in the tension between literalness, critique, and dismissive laughter.”
Self-described as an “Eurasian-based” collective, Slavs and Tatars investigates the “polemics and intimacies” of the region “east of the former Berlin Wall and west of the Great Wall of China” or Caucasia. As part of their practice, Slavs and Tatars gives lectures and performances that embody the history and multiculturalism of this region they research. Using stereotypes, the collective Slavs and Tatars produces enigmatic and ironic objects that question the viewer’s understanding of the geopolitics.
FLAVIO MERLO / BEN ROSENTHAL BOTTOM FEEDERS – THE BATTLE OF THE CATAPLASM KADIST – KUNSTHALLE ZÜRICH PRODUCTION AWARD 2015 February 21 – May 17, 2015 Flavio Merlo and Ben Rosenthal are this year’s recipients of the Kadist – Kunsthalle Zürich Production Award , offered for the third time to young Zurich artists by the Kadist Art Foundation and Kunsthalle Zürich...
“School of the seven Bells (SOTSB)” is based on a series of hands games in which an object is passed from hand to hand...
Migrant Ecologies Project: A Grain of Wheat Inside a Salt Water Crocodile | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Grain of Wheat July 8, 2019 A biscuit tin formerly containing Mermaid Brand Cream Crackers with wheat designs on the outside was chosen as the box to house the wheat as well as test tubes of salt, needles and Singapore’s very own NEWater – all for the wheat’s ritual protection...
Migrant Ecologies Project: A Grain of Wheat Inside a Salt Water Crocodile | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Grain of Wheat July 8, 2019 Artist letters, clockwise from top left: Letters from Mari Keski Korsu, Marietta Radomska, Lee Weng Choy and Filippa Ramos...
Migrant Ecologies Project: A Grain of Wheat Inside a Salt Water Crocodile | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Grain of Wheat July 8, 2019 Wheat Grain World Dreams , the centre section from the artist’s book contains a map that includes some of our research questions around, for example, histories of 19th century cash crops and the crimes of the British India Company; and the extension of China’s Belt and Road journey West...