
1960 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Wallace Berman

location: California
year born: 1926
gender: male
nationality: American
home town: Staten Island, New York

Wallace Berman was one of San Francisco’s more important avant-garde artists and is considered by many to have been the father of the Californian assemblage movement (a title he could probably dispute with Edward Kienholz). Characteristically unruly, Berman was an active member of the San Francisco and Los Angeles Beat communities in the mid-1950s. In 1963 he settled in Topanga Canyon and started to develop the body of work for which he would become most famous. The verifax machine, a precursor of the photocopy machine, lent the name to the series of collages with which Berman experimented until his death in 1976. The structural compositional element that unifies the series is the image, appropriated from a magazine, of a hand holding a transistor radio. By photocopying and reproducing the image in sequential form on top of the canvas, Berman mimics the pattern produced by an old film reel. Inside the frame of each radio, the artist superimposed imagery—people, objects and symbols, often taken from pop culture—pertinent to that particular sequence of the work.


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27 Punk Photos: 11. Dim Wanker: F Word, May, 1978

Bruce Conner


In 1977, as an already-established artist best known for his films, Bruce Conner began to photograph punk rock shows at Mabuhay Gardens, a San Francisco club and music venue...


Bruce Conner


Unlike many of his earlier films which often present poignant critiques of mass media and its deleterious effects on American culture, EASTER MORNING , Conner’s final video work before his death in 2008, constitutes a far more meditative filmic essay in which a limited amount of images turn into compelling, almost hypnotic visual experience...

Untitled Inkblot Drawing (CT-1491)

Bruce Conner


Bruce Conner is best known for his experimental films, but throughout his career he also worked with pen, ink, and paper to create drawings ranging from psychedelic patterns to repetitious inkblot compositions...

Related works featuring themes of: » Abstract Photography, » Appropriation Art, » Art and Technology, » Assemblage, » American  
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27 Punk Photos: 11. Dim Wanker: F Word, May, 1978

Bruce Conner


In 1977, as an already-established artist best known for his films, Bruce Conner began to photograph punk rock shows at Mabuhay Gardens, a San Francisco club and music venue...


Bruce Conner


Unlike many of his earlier films which often present poignant critiques of mass media and its deleterious effects on American culture, EASTER MORNING , Conner’s final video work before his death in 2008, constitutes a far more meditative filmic essay in which a limited amount of images turn into compelling, almost hypnotic visual experience...

The Possibility of the Half

Minouk Lim


The Possibility of the Half by Minouk Lim is a two-channel video projection that begins with a mirror image of a weeping woman kneeling on the ground...


Zai Kuning


Justice (2014) presents viewers with a curious assemblage: a wooden gallows with slightly curved spindles protruding from the topmost plank, which in turn is covered with rudimentary netting, the threads slackly dangling like a loose spider’s web or an rib cage that’s been cracked open...

Other related works, blended automatically  
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Untitled (Shuffle)

Wallace Berman


While Untitled (Shuffle) presents the same formal characteristics as the rest of Berman’s verifax collages, this constellation of specific images inside the radio’s frames—the Star of David, Hebrew characters, biblical animals—have Jewish symbolism and attest to the artist’s lasting obsession with the kabala...

27 Punk Photos: 11. Dim Wanker: F Word, May, 1978

Bruce Conner


In 1977, as an already-established artist best known for his films, Bruce Conner began to photograph punk rock shows at Mabuhay Gardens, a San Francisco club and music venue...


Bruce Conner


Unlike many of his earlier films which often present poignant critiques of mass media and its deleterious effects on American culture, EASTER MORNING , Conner’s final video work before his death in 2008, constitutes a far more meditative filmic essay in which a limited amount of images turn into compelling, almost hypnotic visual experience...

The Simpson Verdict

Kota Ezawa


The Simpson Verdict is a three-minute animation by Kota Ezawa that portrays the reading of the verdict during the OJ Simpson trial, known as the “most publicized” criminal trial in history...

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Patricia Satterlee and Fran Shalom: Heirs to Nozkowski

Patricia Satterlee and Fran Shalom: Heirs to Nozkowski – Two Coats of Paint Fran Shalom, Start from Zero, 2023, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches Patricia Satterlee, RYB 4, 2023, 2023, Flashe paint and graphite on linen panel, 42 x 46 inches Contributed by Sharon Butler / Abstract painter Thomas Nozkowski was widely and deservedly recognized for making intimately scaled abstract paintings using an idiosyncratic visual language that was derived from the visual and emotional stimuli of everyday life...

Untold Stories

Untold Stories | Blog | Royal Academy of Arts Richard Cosway RA, Richard and Maria Cosway, and Ottobah Cugoano (detail), 1784...

Will Rogan

This interrview with Will Rogan was conducted by Will Brown, 2012...

sommaire du n°517 – janvier 2024

sommaire du n°517 - janvier 2024 - artpress X 18 décembre 2023 Dans AP Print , artpress , artpress mensuel , sommaires sommaire du n°517 – janvier 2024 > COMMANDER LE NUMÉRO Vous êtes abonné(e) ? Retrouvez les offres de notre club pour janvier par ici ! Édito 5 Lacan, le style Lacan, The Style Catherine Millet INTRODUCING 6 Elina Stoflique Étienne Hatt Chroniques / Columns 11 Des expositions qui donnent à penser Exhibitions That Give Food for Thought Catherine Francblin 15 La vérité en face Facing the Truth Aurélie Cavanna 19 Une épiphanie An Epiphany Colin Lemoine Point de vue / Opinion 22 La Coupole, le vivant et l’épée The Coupole, the Living World and the Sword Annabelle Gugnon DOSSIERS 24 GRANDE INTERVIEW Richard Mosse, au-delà de l’image Richard Mosse, Beyond Images Interview par Aurélie Cavanna 34 LACAN, L’EXPOSITION LACAN, THE EXHIBITION 36 Là quand sexe pose Lacan exposed Annabelle Gugnon 41 Réfléchir ? Le stade du miroir Reflecting? The Mirror Stage Philippe Porret 44 Emma Ben Aziza, nouage Emma Ben Aziza, Knotting Cyrille Noirjean 48 Pour l’imaginaire For the Imaginary Alexandre Leupin 52 Mike Kelley, des sous-sols à la coupole Mike Kelley, From the Basement to the Cupola Camille Debrabant 58 Edi Dubien, liberté inconditionnelle Edi Dubien, Unconditional Freedom Damien Sausset 63 Difficiles images de la joie Difficult Images of Joy Interview de Paul Ardenne par Catherine Millet 69 expositions / reviews Made in L...

Other works by: » Wallace Berman  
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Untitled (Shuffle)

Wallace Berman


While Untitled (Shuffle) presents the same formal characteristics as the rest of Berman’s verifax collages, this constellation of specific images inside the radio’s frames—the Star of David, Hebrew characters, biblical animals—have Jewish symbolism and attest to the artist’s lasting obsession with the kabala...