Rojas’s two pieces in the Kadist Collection— Untitled (four-legged…) and Untitled (Bird’s Eyes) —are representative of her pictorial style which uses bold colorful blocks of paint and female and animal characters. While Untitled (Bird’s Eyes) does not depict any actual women, it nevertheless alludes to gender roles and the power of the female gaze. Apparently playful, this scene of two animals has an ominous quality: A bird and a hedgehog confront at each other and the bird appears to be poking, even eating the hedgehog’s eye.
Trained in printmaking at the Rhode Island School of Design, Clare Rojas is a painter inspired in equal parts by cartoons, quilting, street, and folk art. Rojas’s works accompany other Bay Area “Mission School” artists featured in the collection such as Barry McGee and Alicia McCarthy. While her signature gouache paintings explore the intersection between fairy tales and feminist ideology, their stylized human and animal characters often tell stories imbued with dark humor.
The five works included in the Kadist Collection are representative of Pettibon’s complex drawings which are much more narrative than comics or cartoon...
"Jogging" To Survive: Hanane Hajj Ali at M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2019 | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Marwan Tahtah January 21, 2019 By Stephanie Burridge (800 words, four-minute read) Metaphors abound in this complex work about living, loving and surviving...
New York Old Master sales deliver tepid results at Christie's and Sotheby's Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Art market news New York Old Master sales deliver tepid results at Christie's and Sotheby's Scattered seven-figure highlights failed to make up for dozens of passed lots and multiple key withdrawals Judd Tully 2 February 2024 Share Nardo di Cione, Madonna Annunciate; Archangel Gabriel (14th c.) Courtesy of Sotheby's The premier auctions among Christie’s and Sotheby’s winter sales of Old Master works in New York this week did little to counter concerns about the deteriorating market for the classics...
Daniel Boyd’s work WTEIA3 is part of a series of paintings that reference the stick charts used by indigenous communities on the Marshall Islands...
Kubra Khademi’s work celebrates the female body and in her detailed drawings and paintings she portrays female bodies floating on white paper...
Los Angeles museum repatriates Asante artefacts to Ghana Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Repatriation news Los Angeles museum repatriates Asante artefacts to Ghana The Fowler Museum at UCLA has repatriated seven artefacts that were taken during the Sagrenti War of 1874 Scarlet Cheng 5 February 2024 Share Unidentified member(s) of gold workers' guild (Asante peoples, Kumasi, Ghana), Royal necklace (gorget) or stool ornament; Before 1874; gold Fowler Museum at UCLA, Gift of the Wellcome Trust Seven handcrafted Asante objects have just travelled halfway around the globe to be returned, 150 years later, to the family of their original owners in Kumasi, Ghana...
The top ArtsEquator articles of 2019 | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Photo courtesy of Akanga Film Asia & Philipp Aldrup Photography December 31, 2019 Here’s a list of the top 10 ArtsEquator articles in 2019: Enter Stage Right: Tay Tong by Art sEquator “It is amazing how one’s identity is so associated with one’s job...
Although seemingly unadorned at first glance, Yang Xinguang’s sculptural work Phenomena (2009) employs minimalist aesthetics as a means of gesturing towards the various commonalities and conflicts between civilization and the natural world...
Untitled (Man with Bees) is part of Curran Hatleberg’s attempt to make sense of the current state of the “American Dream”, or lack thereof...
8 Overlooked Women Old Masters Who Were Ahead of Their Time | Artsy Skip to Main Content Advertisement Art 8 Overlooked Women Old Masters Who Were Ahead of Their Time Annabel Keenan Dec 13, 2023 5:29PM Installation view of “Ahead of her Time: Pioneering Woman from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century” at Robilant + Voena, 2023...
A peek behind the many masks of James Ensor in new Brussels show Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Exhibitions preview A peek behind the many masks of James Ensor in new Brussels show A new exhibition will explore the Belgian artist’s later works, including his little-known ballet, as part of Belgium’s year-long commemoration of the 75th anniversary of his death J...