8:38 minutes
This One, That One by Micah Lexier does not have one ultimate version, but instead consists of a source body of 51 separate chapters that are edited to make up different versions. These different versions are edited depending on the context in which the work is being shown. For instance, the version that was shown at the Power Plant consisted of 20 chapters and was edited specifically for that venue, keeping in mind its length and the other works exhibited in the other rooms.
Micah Lexier is a critically acclaimed Canadian artist living in Toronto. He’s obsessed with systems of enumeration, especially as they intersect and overlap with the organic and unpredictable lives of people. His work is both highly conceptual and intimately humanized. He often breaks mid-century conceptual tropes with stories about someone’s life, accidents of chance, or forms of correspondence.
Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 — Analix Forever Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 — Analix Forever Gallery — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 Exhibition Photography, mixed media, video Upcoming Guillaume Chamahian, Le baiser, 2023 Impression sur plaque de grès Guillaume Chamahian Détritique 2 In 2 days: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 3 PM → 9 PM Artiste du réel, de ses représentations, traitements et retraitements, Guillaume Chamahian travaille à la croisée de la photographie documentaire, de l’art conceptuel, de la dénonciation politique et l’art d’investigation...
Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 — Galerie Analix Forever — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 — Galerie Analix Forever — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Guillaume Chamahian — Détritique 2 Exposition Photographie, techniques mixtes, vidéo À venir Guillaume Chamahian, Le baiser, 2023 Impression sur plaque de grès Guillaume Chamahian Détritique 2 Dans 2 jours : Mercredi 20 décembre 2023 15:00 → 21:00 Artiste du réel, de ses représentations, traitements et retraitements, Guillaume Chamahian travaille à la croisée de la photographie documentaire, de l’art conceptuel, de la dénonciation politique et l’art d’investigation...
Howard Becker in conversation with Franck Leibovici Tuesday, November 26, at 7 p.m On the occasion of the publication of Thinking Together by Howard Becker and Robert Faulkner, within the framework of the investigation (des formes de vie) – une écologie des pratiques artistiques realized by Franck Leibovici at Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers (2012)...
Compositions such as Tree on Keystone (2011) become hyperreal versions of their real-world equivalents...
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