Sans titre n°10 (Temps mort)

2008 - Photography (Photography)

47 x 63 x 5 cm

Mohamed Bourouissa

Temps Mort is the result of one year of mobile phone exchanges of still images and videos between the artist and a person incarcerated in prison. Mohamed Bourouissa directs the scenes to be reconstructed inside the prison from a distance. With sketches and instructions, he indicates in detail the sort of shots he would like to receive. He prints, re-photographs and develops them to scale in order to stay as close as possible to the low definition of the initial images.

Mohamed Bourouissa became known in the 2000s with a series of photographs on young people in the suburbs of Paris. His work later evolved into video, sculpture, and installation, but remained focused on issues related to immigration and the social-economic processes that lead to integration or exclusion. He describes contemporary society implicitly, by outlining its contours. With a critical take on the mass media image, the subjects of his photographs and videos are people left behind at the crossroads of integration and exclusion. Preceded by a long immersion phase, each of Mohamed Bourouissa’s projects builds a new enunciation situation.


Other related works, blended automatically

Temps mort

Mohamed Bourouissa


The film called Temps Mort (Dead Time or Time Out) presents an exchange of short video footage assembled into one final edit...