Retired pilar


Jin Shan

Retired Pillar represents the death and deterioration of legacy of colonial Shanghai. The silicon Corinthian column lays horizontal upon its pedestal, inflating and deflating in the rhythm of difficult breathing, as if exhausted by its lifelong labor. Shan comments on the deterioration of the influence of French colonialism within Shanghai as well as the adoption of Western forms of architectural decoration as symbols of wealth and power.

Jin Shan is an installation artist who uses humor, satire, and play to comment upon social and political power dynamics within contemporary China. He bases many of his works upon cultural symbols revered as the masterpieces of civilization from the Classical and Renaissance eras in order to deconstruct their ideals and expose the dynamics of power, ethics, and belief they maintain.


Related artist(s) to: Jin Shan » Chen Wei, » Cao Fei, » Ding Yi, » Duan Jianyu, » Gong Jian, » Heman Chong, » Hu Fang, » Hu Jieming, » Hu Xiangqian, » Hu Xiaoyuan

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