Report of the Legal Subcommittee

- Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

103 x 82,5 cm

Carey Young

location: Lusaka, Zambia
year born: 1970
gender: female
nationality: Zambian

Report of the Legal Subcommittee is a print featuring a map of the stars, together with a found transcription of a recent United Nations meeting in which various international delegations declare frustration with their 40-year-old, ongoing efforts to devise a legal definition of outer space. This admission seems to hold a rich poetic potential, the human attempts to bureaucratize and control outer space seemingly frustrated by the sublime scale and mystery of its infinite depths.

Carey Young’s (b. Lusaka, Zambia, 1970) practice centers on the ethics of business and legal practice, motivated from having spent her early professional career in this context, to question society and politics. Young parodies and analyses the corporate business and legal world to expose its influence on contemporary society. The subject of law —that which is central to the structure of the international community — is a subject rarely explored in the contemporary art milieu. In exploring law as an artistic medium to address questions of the sublime and the void, Young traverses themes of the autonomous body, law and fiction and the power of law on society to highlight the danger of corporate influence in the institute and autonomous thinking.


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