Related 3a

2008 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Anthony Goicolea

Goicolea has made drawings based on a family album of relations that he did not know but who in one way or another contributed to his history and to the predicament in which he now finds himself as a Cuban in America. He then mounted the drawings on trees, telegraph poles or buildings and photographed them. Taken in these situations the drawings appear like advertisements for lost people or even posters for wanted criminals that of course conjures up images of loss not only of boat people but those who perished in other disasters, whether natural catastrophes or 9/11. The representation of the drawing in a photograph mirrors the distancing of Goicolea from his ancestors, for the drawing is translated and placed in an anonymous location from which, after photography, it is removed. The photograph is a witness to a past act, as the album is a witness to Goicolea’s own past. Together, the drawing and the photograph set up a interesting dynamic that invokes notions of past and present, the concept of reproducibility, memorialisation, and fact and fiction.

Goicolea, a first generation Cuban-American living in New York, makes work that explores his conflicted identity and the recent history of the Cuban people. While some of his earlier work was playfully narcissistic, the body of work called “Related” explores his roots and personal history. He makes photographs, drawings, videos and installations that explore the relationship between the media as well as social and historical issues.


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Related 3b

Anthony Goicolea


Goicolea has made drawings based on a family album of relations that he did not know but who in one way or another contributed to his history and to the predicament in which he now finds himself as a Cuban in America...

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“believe you HAVE to do it”

You guys, somehow I managed to get American artist Sandy Skoglund on my podcast! I actually learned about Sandy in an art history class waaaay back in the early 90’s, and here we are today, chatting!? We talked for over 2 hours, and every story was a gem...

A Change of Perspective — Ndayé Kouagou

A Change of Perspective — Ndayé Kouagou — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook A Change of Perspective — Ndayé Kouagou — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour A Change of Perspective — Ndayé Kouagou Exposition Film, performance, techniques mixtes, vidéo À venir Ndayé Kouagou, A coin is a coin, 2022 © Ndayé Kouagou A Change of Perspective Ndayé Kouagou Dans 2 mois : 21 septembre 2023 → 18 février 2024 Emblématique des artistes de sa génération, Ndayé Kouagou n’établit pas de hiérarchie entre ses différentes pratiques articulées autour du langage...


Jota Mombaça: THE SINKING SHIP/PROSPERITY see: in the absence of place the planet’s foreigner exits any sense of geography locality is lost, not here nor there...

Head in Hands

Joe Biel


Head in Hands by Joe Biel is part of a larger series of drawings made in connection with the book of short stories Navigating Ghosts by Annie Buckley...

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Related 3b

Anthony Goicolea


Goicolea has made drawings based on a family album of relations that he did not know but who in one way or another contributed to his history and to the predicament in which he now finds himself as a Cuban in America...

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Study from May Day March, Los Angeles 2010 (Immigration Reform Now) and We Are Immigrants Not Terrorists

Andrea Bowers


The small drawings that comprise Study from May Day March, Los Angeles 2010 (Immigration Reform Now) and We Are Immigrants Not Terrorists are based on photographs taken at a political rally in downtown Los Angeles in which thousands of individuals demonstrated for immigrants’ rights...


Trisha Donnelly


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432 Photographs of Nefertiti

Sara Cwynar


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Installation #1

Marc Nagtzaam


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