One Two Three Four

2008 - Film & Video (Film & Video)

Zhou Tao

Created for the Seventh Shanghai Biennale at the Shanghai Art Museum, Zhou Tao’s 1,2,3,4 records morning staff meetings in over forty shops and companies in the immediate vicinity of the People’s Square. Regardless of occupation, the employees count off and move in step to the rhythms of their companies’ corporate songs or chants, which are meant to build team spirit and corporate loyalty. Zhou’s practice alchemizes the ordinary surroundings into a theatre where his camera is not simply a recording apparatus but an extension of existence. The images it produces are not just detached spectacles: They are the agents that reveal the theatrical details suffused in mundane life.

Artist Zhou Tao has a diverse and varied practice, and notably, he denies the existence of any singular or real narrative or space. Depicting subtle and often humorous interactions with people, things, actions, and situations, Zhou is known for his films that invite us to experience the multiple trajectories of reality; what he calls the “folding scenario” or the “zone with folds.” For him, the use of video is not a deliberate choice of artistic language or medium, instead the operation of the camera is a way of being that blends itself with everyday life. In his work, Zhou connects seemingly disparate milieus, turning his attention to often ignored sites that exist on the threshold between the natural and the artificial. The visual narratives merge different spatial constructs such as landscapes, the metropolis, construction sites, parks, public squares, and wastelands.


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After Reality

Zhou Tao


After Reality is a video by Zhou Tao, which was born out of his residency with the Kadist Foundation in Paris in 2012-13...

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A roof top photoshoot with the dancers; Tonnex, (Ruby, Nonso and Oshodi)

Sabelo Mlangeni


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Profit, power and TV personalities: Photographing the community in conflict with Trump

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Other works by: » Zhou Tao  
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After Reality

Zhou Tao


After Reality is a video by Zhou Tao, which was born out of his residency with the Kadist Foundation in Paris in 2012-13...

Winter North Summer South No. 5

Zhou Tao


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Winter North Summer South No. 2

Zhou Tao


Zhou Tao spent almost two years in 2017 and 2018 in an eco-industrial park at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in China exploring the activities of humans and other species in that particular topography between the mountain, the land and the desert...

South Stone

Zhou Tao


For over five months, Zhou situated himself in an underdeveloped village surrounded by the high skyscrapers of Guangzhou to produce South Stone ...

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¿Quién medirá el espacio, quién me dirá el momento?, 1 (columna alfarero)

Mariana Castillo Deball


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Kan Xuan


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RMB City: A Second Life City Planning 04

Cao Fei


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La Town

Cao Fei


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