Metaphors of the presence or conversations at the speed of light

2012 - Sculpture (Sculpture)

Dimensions Variable

Nicolás Paris

location: Bogota, Colombia
year born: 1977
gender: male
nationality: Colombian
home town: Bogota, Colombia

Nicolas Paris studied architecture and worked as an elementary school teacher before he decided to become an artist. Both of those interests feed deeply into his artistic practice, which ranges from workshops, dialogues, and exchanges to environments, drawings, and sculpture. Metaphors of the presence or conversations at the speed of light (2012) is a sculpture of a lightbulb that the artist altered. The bulb itself has been removed and replaced with three overlapping circles of paper. The circles represent a Venn diagram color chart, a common teaching tool that shows how the primary colors can be combined to yield the rest of the spectrum. Paris reveals in this delicate sculpture the powerful potential for a rainbow of possibility.

Nicolás Paris was born in 1977 in Bogota, Colombia. He lives and works in Bogota.


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