Medellín-New York

2011 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Miguel Angel Rojas

In his paper-based work, Medellin-New York , Rojas uses coca leaves and dollar bills to spell out the words of the two cities, tied together through the illicit exchange of materials used to make the word, gesturing towards the uncomfortable reality of the drug trafficking trade and the complicity of both America and Colombia within that economic system.

For Colombian artist Miguel Ángel Rojas, issues of economic and social inequality in his native country provide fodder to his artistic practice. Looking at the stark contrasts between the opulent lifestyles of some and the meager existences of others in Colombia, Rojas employs a range of heavily loaded materials in creating two-dimensional works, sculptures, and videos alike.


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White Raven

This essay appeared in Even no...

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Chimeric Antibodies 1 and 3

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Related 3a

Anthony Goicolea


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Chambre à brouillard — Juliette Agnel, Clément Bagot, Nicolas Darrot, Youcef Korichi, Alyssa Verbizh, Anne-Charlotte Yver — L’ahah Griset — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Chambre à brouillard — Juliette Agnel, Clément Bagot, Nicolas Darrot, Youcef Korichi, Alyssa Verbizh, Anne-Charlotte Yver — L’ahah Griset — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Chambre à brouillard — Juliette Agnel, Clément Bagot, Nicolas Darrot, Youcef Korichi, Alyssa Verbizh, Anne-Charlotte Yver Exposition Dessin, edition, film, installations.....

Sans Titre (series Les Figures)

Valérie Jouve


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Wateoma husipe / Larvas de oruga / Caterpillar larvae

Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe


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Programs: de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas

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Untitled (Figure no. 1)

Oren Pinhassi


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Opening : Chambre à brouillard — Juliette Agnel, Clément Bagot, Nicolas Darrot, Youcef Korichi, Alyssa Verbizh, Anne-Charlotte Yver

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Native Art Department International, Bureau of Aesthetics

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Head in Hands

Joe Biel


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