
2011 - Sculpture (Sculpture)

Tony Labat

Since the early 1980s, Cuban-born Tony Labat has been an important participant in the California performance and video scene. A pioneer in video installation, his work often identifies with the “outsider,” whether the artist or the immigrant and comments on displacement and marginalization. Labat has exhibited internationally in venues including the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Laguna Art Museum; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels; the National Gallery of Poland; the Helsinki Museum of Art; the Tel Aviv Museum of Art; and the National Gallery of Greece, Athens.


Awaiting Enacted

Roman Ondak


This work needs to be considered in relation to one of his performances during which people were made to queue in front of the Kunsthalle of Frankfurt in 2003 (Tate Collection)...

Slowed-down Journey

Roman Ondak


As the caption purposely admits, these drawings were made by friends of Ondák’s at home in Slovakia asked to interpret places he has journeyed to...

Dorian, a cinematic perfume

Michelle Handelman


In Dorian, a cinematic perfume, video is used as a community gatherer, a tool to speak about particular subcultures, in this case the trans-gender drag queen New York community, past and present...

The Wooden People

Nao Bustamante


The Wooden People is a 360º virtual reality film series comprising seven episodes...

Related works featuring themes of: » Architecture's Effects, » Conceptual Art, » Cuba, » Engagement With Mass Media  
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No Title

Félix González-Torres


Behind the simplicity and beauty of this untitled photograph of a brilliantly-colored flowerbed by Félix González-Torres are two remarkable stories of love, loss, and resilience...

Map (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006-2009

Gareth Moore


Uncertain Pilgrimage is an ongoing project in which Moore draws from his unplanned travels in recent years...


Paul Kos


Taking its title from the eponymous mythological creature—famously featured as sea nymphs in Homer’s Odyssey...

Hat with photograph

Hans-Peter Feldmann

The types of objects Feldmann is interested in collecting into serial photographic grids or artist’s books are often also found in three dimensional installations...

Other related works, blended automatically  
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I Want You

Tony Labat


Commissioned by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and riffing on the “I Want You” army recruitment campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s, Labat asked Bay Area residents to interpret the slogan and make their own demands of the public in a series of live performance auditions...

No Title

Félix González-Torres


Behind the simplicity and beauty of this untitled photograph of a brilliantly-colored flowerbed by Félix González-Torres are two remarkable stories of love, loss, and resilience...

Map (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006-2009

Gareth Moore


Uncertain Pilgrimage is an ongoing project in which Moore draws from his unplanned travels in recent years...

Work No. 299

Martin Creed


This photograph of Martin Creed himself was used as the invitation card for a fundraising auction of works on paper at Christie’s South Kensington in support of Camden Arts Centre’s first year in a refurbished building in 2005...

Related works sharing similar palette  
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Conversation | Farah Al Qasimi & Amal Khalaf : Um Al Dhabaab (Mother of Fog)

Coproduced between KADIST and Sharjah Art Foundation in the context of Sharjah Biennial 15: Thinking Historically in the Present , Farah Al Qasimi’s Um Al Dhabaab (Mother of Fog) challenges colonial myths upheld by Western academia and the lingering imperialist interests at play across Asia’s modern-day trade hubs...

Artists Participating in the Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing, NYC

Artists Participating in the Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing, NYC - ArteFuse Seventy-one visionary artists and collectives will participate in the eighty-first installment of the Whitney Biennial, opening March 20, 2024...

Making Black Archives in Europe

How do we make Black archives within western contexts? In this roundtable discussion, representatives from Afropea (France), Black Cultural Archives (UK), the Black Queer Archives (Netherlands) and Black Archives Sweden will discuss their various approaches to autonomy, infrastructure, economics, and sustainability in creating and maintaining Black archives within Europe...

Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975

Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 — Mémorial de Caen — Exhibition — Slash Paris Login Newsletter Twitter Facebook Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 — Mémorial de Caen — Exhibition — Slash Paris English Français Home Events Artists Venues Magazine Videos Back Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 Exhibition Painting, sculpture, mixed media Bernard Rancillac, Mélodie sous les palmes, 1965 (détail) © Fondation Gandur pour l’art Genève — Photographie André Morin — ADAGP Paris, 2023 Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 Ends in 6 months: June 22 → December 31, 2023 Conçue à partir des œuvres de la figuration narrative de la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art et des collections du Mémorial (affiches, objets, films, photographies, unes de presse), Années pop, années choc, 1960-1975 aborde la représentation de l’histoire en marche : celle notamment de la guerre du Vietnam et de la confrontation entre blocs durant la guerre froide, des procès tardifs des nazis en Allemagne, du franquisme au pouvoir, de la révolution culturelle chinoise, mais aussi celle plus sociale de Mai 68, des luttes pour l’égalité des sexes ou contre la ségrégation raciale, de la société de consommation et du tourisme de masse comme pivots de l’histoire du monde occidental...

Other works by: » Tony Labat  
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I Want You

Tony Labat


Commissioned by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and riffing on the “I Want You” army recruitment campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s, Labat asked Bay Area residents to interpret the slogan and make their own demands of the public in a series of live performance auditions...

Related artist(s) to: Tony Labat » Bay Area, » Paul Kos  
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Paul Kos


Taking its title from the eponymous mythological creature—famously featured as sea nymphs in Homer’s Odyssey...

Sound of Ice Melting

Paul Kos


Sound of Ice Melting is based on the ancient Zen Buddhist koan about the sound of one hand clapping...


Paul Kos


Parked on the shoulder of a single lane highway running through a desert landscape, Marlene looks over her shoulder from inside the car at a fierce storm looming over a distant horizon...