The video Interrupted Passage presents a performance Morales staged in the former home of Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, a mid-nineteenth-century Mexican general serving in California. Reenacted here is Vallejo’s acquiescence to Americans who were attempting to overthrow Mexican governance of the region. When a small militia arrived at Vallejo’s house to arrest him, he invited them in and shared a meal. The emphasis on the role of food in Morales’s version connects this historic event to the current proliferation of food-based culture and social interaction in California.
Born in Tijuana, Mexico, San Francisco-based Julio Cesar Morales explores issues of labor, memory, surveillance technologies, and identity strategies.
The film called Temps Mort (Dead Time or Time Out) presents an exchange of short video footage assembled into one final edit...
"A Land Imagined" and The Ghosts We Forget | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Photo courtesy of Akanga Film Asia & Philipp Aldrup Photography Photo courtesy of Akanga Film Asia & Philipp Aldrup Photography February 21, 2019 By Alfonse Chiu (1200 words, six-minute read) The three definitions of the word “ghost” from the Oxford dictionary are as follows: the first, “an apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living”; the second, “a slight trace or vestige of something”; and the third, “a faint secondary image caused by a fault in an optical system, duplicate signal transmission, etc.” In all three, presence is a suggestion of memory, amenable to corrections by means of a quick scrub of one’s spectacles...
Timelapse Captures How the Sun Looks During Solar Storms Home / Photography / Astrophotography Breathtaking Timelapse Captures How the Sun Looks During Intense Solar Storms By Regina Sienra on December 3, 2023 Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida por Miguel Claro Astrophotography (@miguel_claro) Solar storms are one of the most fascinating astronomical events...
Confronting Truths in Ho Tzu Nyen’s “The Mysterious Lai Teck” | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Courtesy of the artist May 2, 2019 By Patricia Tobin (736 words, 3-minute read) Spoiler Alert: This review contains spoilers for The Mysterious Lai Teck , which will run from 17 to 19 May at the Singapore International Festival of Arts...
Los Angeles museum repatriates Asante artefacts to Ghana Art market Museums & heritage Exhibitions Books Podcasts Columns Technology Adventures with Van Gogh Search Search Repatriation news Los Angeles museum repatriates Asante artefacts to Ghana The Fowler Museum at UCLA has repatriated seven artefacts that were taken during the Sagrenti War of 1874 Scarlet Cheng 5 February 2024 Share Unidentified member(s) of gold workers' guild (Asante peoples, Kumasi, Ghana), Royal necklace (gorget) or stool ornament; Before 1874; gold Fowler Museum at UCLA, Gift of the Wellcome Trust Seven handcrafted Asante objects have just travelled halfway around the globe to be returned, 150 years later, to the family of their original owners in Kumasi, Ghana...
Truong Cong Tung’s Journey of a Piece of Soil (2013) and its accompanying object-based installation of the same name (2014) consider the function of ritual in larger modes of collective engagement and cultural production...
Weekly Southeast Asia Radar: The performativity of Duterte; Puppets in a pandemic | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar Pesta Boneka Instagram November 5, 2020 ArtsEquator’s Southeast Asia Radar features articles and posts about arts and culture in Southeast Asia, drawn from local and regional websites and publications – aggregated content from outside sources, so we are exposed to a multitude of voices in the region...
Weekly Southeast Asia Radar: Protest art in Thailand; The productive pandemic | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar Via Coconuts Bangkok November 26, 2020 ArtsEquator’s Southeast Asia Radar features articles and posts about arts and culture in Southeast Asia, drawn from local and regional websites and publications – aggregated content from outside sources, so we are exposed to a multitude of voices in the region...
Podcast 52: Interview with Joseph Gonzales | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints February 27, 2019 Duration: 34 min In the first dance podcast of 2019, host Amin Farid chats with Professor Joseph Gonzales of the Dance faculty at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, on his career journey from being a performer to the founder of ASK Dance Company in Malaysia, as well as his experiences as an educator at ASWARA (National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage) Malaysia, curriculum developer, other manifold hats he wears, and his thoughts on dance practices across Southeast Asia...