2013 - Film & Video (Film & Video)

Joachim Koester

year born: 1962
gender: male
nationality: Danish
home town: Copenhagen, Denmark

With a keen interest in the stranger corners of the long human story, and a persistent interest in the supernatural, the transcendent, and the psychedelic, Joachim Koester’s work follows the artists own undying interest in physical and psychological limits. While exploration was a matter of crossing geographies before the 19th century, the 20th century brought the mental exploration of our unconscious, hastened by the discovery of psychoanalysis. Koester is interested in visualizing specific events—those forgotten, overlooked, or suppressed by the official historical record—in order to reintroduce them into collective memory. Using 16mm documentary films, photographic series or books, his work transforms stories into images and vice versa, appearing as a quest for the invisible and the vanishing.


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Tarahi V

Haris Epaminonda


Created from extracts of kitsch movies or Greek soap operas from the 1960s, these videos are like audiovisual ‘postcards’ reflecting a nostalgic and melancholic approach...

Tarahi VI

Haris Epaminonda


Haris Epaminonda’s work questions the manipulation and the flow of images as well as their power of fascination...

Festival of Gratitude: Muammar Gaddafi

Walid Raad


For his first NFT release artist Walid Raad made a series of animated birthday cakes, titled Festival of Gratitude , for some of the world’s most toxic and larger-than-life leaders...

Ghost games

Anri Sala


Ghost Games , follows the enigmatic dance of crabs “steered” by a flashlight in the night of darkness of a South American beach...


Fang Lu


In the work Cinema , Fang Lu explores in a meticulous yet un-dramatic — almost casual — way of how “the self” in our today’s life is a controlled and staged construction of oneself...

Exquisite Eco Living (executive Properties series)

Vincent Leong


The photograph Exquisite Eco Living is part of a larger series titled Executive Properties in which he digitally manipulated the images to insert iconic buildings of Kuala Lumpur in the view of derelict spaces also found in the city...

The Cloud of Unknowing

Ho Tzu Nyen


The Cloud of Unknowing (2011) is titled after a 14th-century medieval treatise on faith, in which “the cloud of unknowing” that stands between the aspirant and God can only be evoked by the senses, rather than the rational mind...

Untitled (Schindler House, #01)

Luisa Lambri


Rudolph Schindler’s designs, part of a practice he called “Space Architecture,” marry interior with exterior and space with light...

Other related works, blended automatically  
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Joachim Koester


Tarantism is the name of disease which appeared in southern Italy, resulting from the bite of a spider called Tarantula...


Fang Lu


In the work Cinema , Fang Lu explores in a meticulous yet un-dramatic — almost casual — way of how “the self” in our today’s life is a controlled and staged construction of oneself...

Exquisite Eco Living (executive Properties series)

Vincent Leong


The photograph Exquisite Eco Living is part of a larger series titled Executive Properties in which he digitally manipulated the images to insert iconic buildings of Kuala Lumpur in the view of derelict spaces also found in the city...


Ximena Garrido Lecca


Destilaciones ( Distillations , 2014) is an installation composed of a group of ceramic pots, presented on the floor and within a steel structure...

Other works by: » Joachim Koester  
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Joachim Koester


Tarantism is the name of disease which appeared in southern Italy, resulting from the bite of a spider called Tarantula...

The Magic Mirror of John Dee

Joachim Koester


Physical and mental exploration have been founding elements in Joachim Koester’s research for several years...

Serious Games 3, Immersion

Harun Farocki


For Immersion , Harun Farocki went to visit a research centre near Seattle specialized in the development of virtual realities and computer simulations...


Keren Cytter

“Untitled” is inspired by the movie “Opening Night” by John Cassavetes with Gena Rowlands playing the role of a fallen woman, anguished by her distressed life...